Õhukese mehe vari (1941)


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) avaldas Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) novembris 1941. Üks hilisemaid Thin Mani filme (affiliate link), film sisaldab maadlusfännidele huvitavaid vinjete. Nick Charles, played by William Powell, on kaasatud kohaliku hasartmänguringi riikliku uurimise alla. Hasartmänguringi juhivad kaks kohalikku maadluse edendajat, mis on elu imiteeriv kunst, kui

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Röövlaev (1931)


Roland V. West directed fourteen films in his career. Critics consider three of his films to be excellent. West directed the silent thriller The Bat in 1926. West directed his most acclaimed film, Alibi (1929), which resulted in an Oscar nomination for his friend Chester Morris. Sisse 1930, West and Morris again collaborated on his last classic, Bat Whispers,

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Metropolis (1927)


On jaanuar 10, 1927, Universum Film (UFA) released Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927). The German film company produced a science fiction class, which still holds up today. On the Internet Movie Database website (IMDB), users rate it 8.3 out of 10 tärni. It is #104 on the Top 250. In a theme society has wrestled with since the beginning of the

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After the Thin Man (1936)


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) released After The Thin Man (1936), the sequel to the popular Thin Man (1934), on Christmas Day 1936. The film is one of 14 films William Powell and Myrna Loy made together. Powell and Loy play Dashiell Hammet’s characters Nick and Nora Charles respectively. Nick Charles formerly worked as a private detective before marrying the wealthy heiress Nora.

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M (1931)

Fritz-pika Thea-of-harbou

Mail 11, 1931, Fritz Lang’s classic film M (affiliate link) ilmus Berliinis, Saksamaa. Lisaks sellele, et kõige nimekirjad top 100 filme kogu aeg, Fritz Lang uskusid oma parimat film oli M (1931). Film on lugu rea lapse mõrvu, mis toimuvad Berliinis. The police are determined to catch the killer

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Bat Whispers (1930)


On November 13, 1930, Roland V. West released The Bat Whispers (1930), the talkie version of his silent classic, Bat (1926). The film follows faithfully the script of the original. Siiski, West is able to experiment with film techniques like tracking shots, still a novelty in early sound cinema. Editing still dominated as the continuity and story moving technique.

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