William Muldoon eta Bere Osasun Granja


William Muldoon, ohia New Yorkeko detektibe, Mundu greko-erromatar Borroka Txapelketa irabazi Thiebaud Bauer garaituz. Muldoon errege hamar urtez txapeldun gisa erretiroa aurretik. Erretiroa ondoren, bizi bat Entrenatzaile pertsonal gisa egiten hasi zen. Muldoon trained many wrestlers but really came to prominence after getting a woefully out of shape John L. Sullivan fit for

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Girlfriend Kills St. Louis Officer


On Monday evening, Uztaila 16, 1917, St. Louis Police Officer Julius H. Petring assigned to the North Market Division entered a rooming house at 2301 N. Market Street. Petring asked the proprietor William Dietrich to rent a room for him and his wife. His “emaztea” was his recently divorced girlfriend Freda Hagenmeyer. Officer Petring had been seeing Freda Hagenmeyer, who

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Herman Johannpeter (1878 – 1921)


When I started researching the family history, I only knew about two of my great-grandmother Caroline “Lee” Ellis’ nee Johannpeter’s siblings. My grandfather told me a lot about his Uncle “Jules”, Julius Johannpeter. Grandpa lived with Uncle Jules from the time he left Missouri Military Academy in 1932 until he married my grandmother, Alvina Ellis nee Mosblech in 1938. Aitona

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Tom Hyer Beats Yankee Sullivan


Tom Hyer won the American Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship in 1841. Like most prizefighting champions of the Nineteenth Century, he did not fight very often. Hyer normally paid his bills as an enforcer for political parties in New York. Originally, Hyer employed his talents for the Whigs but would switch allegiances to the “Know Nothing Party” with his friend William

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Eskerrik asko, Mr. Mugimenduan (1937)

oraindik-eskerrik asko-mr-moto

Gabon, 1937, Bigarren Mr. Moto movie, Eskerrik asko, Mr. Mugimenduan (1937) staring Peter Lorre, debutatu. Nazioarteko Agent Mr. Moto ahalegintzen nazioarteko gaizkile Chinese kultur altxorrak babestu. Zazpi Scrolls ezkutaleku Genghis Khan hilobia lekua agertuko dira. Genghis Khanen gudarien informatzen lurperatutako altxor handi beren hildakoen liderra. Mr. Moto’s friend Prince

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