Hoții de sârmă Kill Polițistul


Înainte de vineri, Aprilie 7, 1916 a fost de peste, frații Lewis ar ucide doi St. Ofițerii de poliție Louis, John McKenna și William Dillon. McKenna a fost primul de a cădea, când a întrerupt frații încearcă să fure sârmă, a valuable commodity during World War I. Dillon would be killed investigating McKenna’s murder. McKenna was assigned to look for the wire thieves,

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Deadliest Night for St. Louis de Poliție


Mortala Incidentul de la St. Istoria Louis Poliția nu a fost un schimb de focuri, dezastru natural sau un act de terorism. Mortala Incidentul de la St. Istoria Louis Poliția a avut loc în noaptea de luni, Septembrie 3, 1900. Electricity was the assailant as a power line with 3300 volți de electricitate au căzut pe liniile telefonice, at Eight Street and Carr Avenue. The

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Downside of Being Family Historian


Uneori, atunci când sunteți de cercetare istoria familiei, veți obține un șoc neplăcut. Am fost cercetarea tatăl meu vitreg Ernest C. Istoria familiei Diaz în Biblioteca Congresului de baze de date. Tata nu știa prea multe despre Moellenburgs, așa că am fost încercarea de a găsi mai multe informații pe ele. In timp ce descoperirea a fost semnificativă, it was also a bit depressing. Dad’s

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The Mad Doctor Meets the Somnambulist

cabinet de-dr-Caligari

Ce se întâmplă este primul film de artă de succes comercial. Cabinetul de Dr. Caligari (1920) a fost lansat în ianuarie 1920 devenind o senzație german și internațional. It marked the beginning of the German film revival during the 1920s The German Expressionist Movement in German art strongly influenced this film. Expressionist painters drew buildings sloped at odd angles, oddly shaped furniture,

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Joseph Diaz Comes to St. Louis în 1917


Joseph (Josef) Diaz was my stepfather, Ernest C. Diaz’s father. Ernie or Dad was the son of Joseph and Marie Diaz nee Moellenberg. Joseph was a first generation immigrant from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Joseph was born on May 12, 1893. În conformitate cu certificatul de deces, his parents were Ulalio (Eulalio) Diaz and Betty Diaz nee Ramiro. I have

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Introducerea Noul nostru Black Belt

trey -getating -black -belt

Aprilie 27, 2013, on what would have been his grandfather and namesake’s 71st birthday, Orizont “Trey” Zimmerman III became the first black belt in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System under his father Ken Zimmerman Jr. “Trey” began studying martial arts shortly before his fifth birthday. “Trey” has trained in Taekwondo, Jiu-jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Gojo Shroei Weapons System. His goals

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Theodore Roosevelt la Judo


Theodore Roosevelt served as the twenty-sixth President of the United States from 1901 la 1909. TR is famous for the “Viața intens”. El a practicat box și lupte, prin douăzeci și treizeci de ani. What is not as widely known is that he practiced Judo around 1904, when he was in his mid-40s. Roosevelt would eventually earn a brown belt in Judo. Yoshiaki

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