Episod 30 – Shikat vs. O’Mahony

În acest episod, discutăm despre încrucișarea lui Dick Shikat a lui Danno O’Mahony în martie 1936. Ni se alătură în studio și nepotul meu cel mic, Connor, care iese cu tatăl său, Caleb, care a revenit la podcast săptămâna aceasta.


I will be starting the new research project in the beginning of September 2023. Chiar acum, I am getting ahead on articles for the website and adding to my last St. Louis history book.


Artă podcast pentru A fost aproape real: Podcastul Istoriei luptei profesionale

Conținutul principal

În 1934, Boston promoter Paul Bowser actively searched for an Irish wrestling star to draw in the many Irish fans living around the Boston area. Bowser brought a muscular shot putter named Danno O’Mahony to become his top star.

After six months of training, O’Mahony could work a credible match but O’Mahony was a sitting duck for a legitimate wrestler. La martie 2, 1936, O’Mahony met that credible wrestler in Dick Shikat, who shot on O’Mahony and took his world title.

Shikat killed the career of one of professional wrestling’s biggest box office stars and exposed the worked nature of professional wrestling.


We reviewed Gunther vs. Drew McIntyre from Summerslam. This match would hold up in any era.

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