Paul Pons, Maker hrvanja zvijezdama
Paul Pons bio hrvanju grčko-rimskim prvak Francuske u 1890. On je osvojio turnir u Folies-Bergeres pred osvajanjem turnira u Rusiji 1898. Ove pobjede omogućile su mu da osvoji svjetsko prvenstvo u hrvanju grčko-rimskim stilom. Pons kapitaliziraju na ovoj očitost otvaranjem teretanu trenirati hrvača i jakih muškaraca.
Pons’ victory was particularly remarkable because of his age. Paul Pons rođen je godine 1864 making him 34 years old at the time of his victory. While he was not ancient by grappling standards, he was getting up there. Several of Pons’ biografi su tvrdili da je Pons nakon toga osvojio drugo svjetsko prvenstvo 1898 but many of these claims are hard to prove.
Nekoliko europskih zemalja održavalo je hrvačke turnire tijekom cijele godine. When a wrestler won one of the tournaments, he often claimed to be the World Champion. Međutim, the recognized World Champion from 1901 to 1908 was George Hackenschmidt. Pons never defeated Hackenschmidt. Pons je inače završio drugi ili treći na turnirima “Pijuk” entered.
Paul Pons was a giant of a man. He stood between 6’05” to 6’06” visok i težio 260 pounds in his prime. Pons je bio najpoznatiji po dokazivanju legitimnosti nadolazećih hrvačkih zvijezda. When George Hackenschmidt beat Paul Pons, hrvačka zajednica znala je da je ozbiljan kandidat za Svjetsko prvenstvo.
Paul Pons made stars in the ring but he also made stars in the gym. One of his pupils was Constant LeVaux, Constant the Butcher, koji je više puta osvojio prvenstvo Francuske u hrvanju. George Hackenschmidt considered Constant a tough challenger.
U 1915, Paul Pons died at 49 godina. What caused his death or if it was related to World World I, I have not been able to find. Nažalost, Pons is not well known outside of his native France today.
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