რენატო გარდინი შემოდის 1915

In early 1915, სემ რახმანმა ხელი შეუწყო ნიუ-იორკის საერთაშორისო ჭიდაობის ტურნირს იმ მიზნით, რომ შეცვალოს გადამდგარი მძიმე წონაში ჭიდაობის მსოფლიო ჩემპიონი ფრენკ გოჩი.. რახმანს სჯეროდა, რომ ალექსანდრეს ვერავინ დაამარცხებდა “Alex” Aberg, რახმანის ხელით შერჩეული გოჩის მემკვიდრე, ბერძნულ-რომაულ ჭიდაობაში.

რახმანის გამოწვევა იყო დაჭერა-როგორც-დაჭერა იყო დომინანტური ჭიდაობის სტილი ამერიკაში.. ამ გამოწვევის თავიდან ასაცილებლად, Rachmann recruited international wrestlers, skilled in Greco-Roman wrestling, for his tournament. Renato Gardini was an ideal recruit for the tournament.

რენატო-გარდინი-1924 წელს

Photo of Renato Gardini in 1924 (Public Realm)

Gardini, born on March 10, 1889 in Italy, represented in Italy in Greco-Roman wrestling at the 1912 Olympics. Gardini’s legitimate background would add credence to the tournament, which consisted mostly of legitimate contests.

Gardini debuted during the last few weeks of the Spring Tournament on May 27, 1915. Gardini defeated Herman Kuethe.

Gardini drew in his next two matches before losing to Wladek Zbyszko in 18 minutes on June 3, 1915. Gardini losing to Zbyszko was no shame. Aberg and Zbyszko would meet in the final of the Spring Tournament.

Gardini might have thought his journey to America was going to be of short duration. However, after his initial introduction to American professional wrestling, Gardini made the transition to catch-as-catch-can wrestling. Gardini would live in the United States for the remainder of his life.

During the Fall Tournament, the International Tournament was actually two tournaments, Gardini began competing in catch-as-catch-can wrestling. წლის 14, 1915, Gardini defeated Carl Sanderson in a catch-as-catch-can match. Attendance was so poor during the Fall Tournament, Rachmann was forced to incorporate catch-as-catch-can matches as well as several gimmicks to save his tournament.

By the late 1920s, Gardini established himself as one of the top contenders for the World Championship. Although he would never win the world title, Gardini would often be the man a contender beat to get a shot at the championship.

In the late 1930s, Gardini moved into professional wrestling promotion. Gardini was promoting wrestling in Brazil during September 1940 tour, when he had a heart attack brought on by high altitude. Gardini died on September 29, 1940, a couple weeks before his 51st birthday.

Gardini was survived by his wife Edith, who he met and married in the United States, as well as 15-year-old daughter Catherine and 7-year-old Renato. His mother, who still lived in Italy, also survived him.

In 1915, Gardini was only a 26-year-old aspiring grappling with a long career ahead of him. In the next few months, we will review a couple of his biggest battles.

თქვენ შეგიძლიათ დატოვოთ კომენტარი ან ვთხოვო შეკითხვები ამ ან ნებისმიერი პოსტი ჩემს Facebook page ან Twitter profile.

Sources: Brooklyn Times Union, მაისი 29, 1915 edition, p. 8, Asbury Park Press, დეკემბერი 15, 1915 edition, p. 10, Boston Globe, ოქტომბერი 29, 1940 edition, p. 15 and wrestlingdata.com.


Masked Marvel to the Rescue is available on Amazon in e-book, ქაღალდი და მყარი ყდა

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