Rip Roarin’ Buckaroo

Bhí Tom Tyler réalta de westerns sna 1920í, 30s agus 40s ach réalta sé freisin i serials ar nós An Phantom (1943). D'imir sé fiú Kharis an Mummy i Hand The Mummy ar (1940). Mar sin féin, bhí sé go príomha ina aisteoir an Iarthair. Thosaigh sé amach mar aisteoir agus stuntman i 1920í scannáin adh. An Daonáireamh Cowboy (1926) bhí ar cheann de na chuid scannán go luath an Iarthair. Níos déanaí, Bheadh ​​sé a bheith ina comhalta den dara grúpa a Trí Mesquiteers.


Tom Tyler as Captain Marvel in Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941)

Sa scannán seo, Imríonn sé Scotty McQuade, duais Trodaire gairmiúil. In the opening scenes, Scotty is fighting but cannot see due to his manager colluding with the promoter to put substance in his eyes. The other figher knocks Scotty out.
The manager, promoter, and opponent carry back to the dressing room and quickly try to leave. Scotty revives before they escape and realizes that they plotted to beat him. Scott knocks out his opponent, manager, and promoter before leaving.
Scotty quits the fight game to go work on a ranch. Befriends sé an rancher agus a iníon. The promoter shows up and causes dissension between Scotty and the rancher. Scotty proves himself to the rancher by winning a race for the rancher after the rancher kicked Scotty off the ranch.
To save their ranch from the crooked promoter, Scott agrees to one more fight with his former opponent. Of course, the promoter will try every dirty trick to prevent the fight from happening.


Fós ó Srac Roarin’ Buckaroo (1936)

Bhí Tom Tyler Boxer gairmiúil, mairnéalach, lumberjack agus curadh meáchan ardaitheoir sular thosaigh sé a ghairm bheatha ag gníomhú di. Bhí sé ag a chuid is fearr i scannáin eachtraíochta gníomh Lúthchleas Gael. Chomh maith le seo scannán, a ritheann faoi 54 minutes, I would highly recommend The Phantom serial.
Ritheann an scannán faoi 54 minutes. Is scannán os comhair an phobail. It can be viewed trí chliceáil anseo.

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