Rip Roarin’ Buckaroo

Tom Tyler bol hviezdou westernov v roku 1920, 30s a 40s, ale on tiež hral v seriálov, ako je Phantom (1943). Dokonca hral Kharis Múmia v Múmia ruka (1940). Však, bol predovšetkým západnej herec. Začínal ako herec a kaskadér v roku 1920 nemých filmov. Cowboy Cop (1926) bol jedným z jeho prvých západných filmov. Neskôr, že by sa stal členom druhej skupiny Tri Mesquiteers.


Tom Tyler as Captain Marvel in Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941)

V tomto filme, hrá Scotty McQuade, profesionálne cena bojovník. In the opening scenes, Scotty is fighting but cannot see due to his manager colluding with the promoter to put substance in his eyes. The other figher knocks Scotty out.
The manager, promoter, and opponent carry back to the dressing room and quickly try to leave. Scotty revives before they escape and realizes that they plotted to beat him. Scott knocks out his opponent, manager, and promoter before leaving.
Scotty quits the fight game to go work on a ranch. On sa ujme farmár a jeho dcéra. The promoter shows up and causes dissension between Scotty and the rancher. Scotty proves himself to the rancher by winning a race for the rancher after the rancher kicked Scotty off the ranch.
To save their ranch from the crooked promoter, Scott agrees to one more fight with his former opponent. Of course, the promoter will try every dirty trick to prevent the fight from happening.


Napriek tomu z Rip roarin’ Buckaroo (1936)

Tom Tyler bol profesionálny boxer, námorník, drevorubač a majster vzpierač, ako začal svoju hereckú kariéru. Bol u jeho najlepšie v atletickej akčných dobrodružných filmov. Okrem tohto filmu, ktorý beží na 54 minutes, I would highly recommend The Phantom serial.
Film beží o 54 minutes. Je to film public domain. It can be viewed kliknutím tu.

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