סימאָר כיקס אין סקראָאָגע (1935)

סקראָאָגע (1935) איז טוויקקענהאַם סטודיאָס ווערסיע פון ​​די טשאַרלעס דיקקענס’ קלאַסיש, אַ ניטל קאַראָל. סימאָר כיקס פיעסעס עבענעזער סקראָאָגע, די מייזערלי באַזיצער פון אַ לאָנדאָן געשעפט. ער ימפּלויז אַ אַסיסטאַנט געהייסן באָב קראַטטשיט. סקראָאָגע וועט יווענטשאַוואַלי טרעפן דרייַ גאָוס אויף ניטל יוו, who will cause a miraculous change in Scrooge’s attitude towards Christmas and his assistant.

Seymour Hicks was born January 30, 1871 on the Isle of Jersey, England. לויט צו די אינטערנעט פֿילם דאַטאַבאַסע (ימדב), he began acting on the stage at 16 יאָרן פון עלטער. He would be employed as an actor from the late 1800s to the 1930s.


Opening credits of Scrooge (1935)

Besides starring in stage productions and films later in his career, he wrote musical plays that he and his wife, Elaine Terris, starred in. He and his wife were married for over 55 יאָרן.

Hicks started appearing as Mr. Scrooge on the stage in 1901, when he was about 30 יאר אַלט. Hicks played Scrooge on stage thousands of times plus two movie versions. Hicks also played Scrooge in a silent film in 1913 and reprised the role in this film.

Seymour Hicks was the 13th actor knighted, when the honor was bestowed on him in 1934. He would be Sir Seymour Hicks from that point on. He remained active in acting on both stage and in films until 1948. He passed away at 78 יאָרן פון עלטער אויף אפריל 6, 1949.

My mother gave me דעם פילם (affiliate link) on DVD for Christmas about ten years ago. This film and White Christmas (1954) are probably my two favorite Christmas films. Give this film a chance. You won’t be disappointed.

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