Сгт. King’s Home on Lotus Avenue

I previously wrote about an incident in which a Detective Sergeant for the St. Луј Полиција је убијен током покушаја пљачке. Unlike a number of other incidents in Gilded Age St. Лоуис историја, Detective Sergeant James Martin King’s home in January 1920 still exists. The home is still in excellent condition.


Сгт. King Home on Lotus Avenue – Љубазношћу Гоогле Еартх

4973 Лотус авенији био је дом Сгт. Краљ у 1920. То је приватна резиденција и даље у одличном стању. Заправо, цео гатед улицу ван од Н. Kingshighway Boulevard is still in great condition. Свети. Louis builders erected the homes between 1895 и 1910. 4973 Лотус Авенуе је изграђен 1910 у исто време као његов први комшија.

Сгт. King was walking home on January 12, 1920, when he was held up a three blocks south of his home at N. Kingshighway and Aldine Place. In comparison to Sgt. King’s home, the 4900 block of Aldine Place contains a couple dozen apartment buildings owned by the Land Revitilization Authority (ЛРА). The LRA condemned most of the buildings but a few will probably fall on their own before a wrecking ball can be summoned.

Сгт. King’s home exemplifies the quality of St. Louis architecture around the turn of the Twentieth Century. Свети. Louis is still home to many of these beautiful brick buildings.

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Revised Cover of 1920: Најсмртоноснији година за Ст. Луј Полиција

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