שערלאַק האָלמעס’ פאַטאַל שעה (1931)

Also known at די סליפּינג קאַרדינאַל, שערלאַק האָלמעס’ פאַטאַל שעה (1931) is the first Sherlock Holmes film (affiliate link) starring Arthur Wontner in the title role. דעם פילם קאַנסערנז אַ יונג מענטש, וואס האט שוין טשיטינג אין בריק צו ריגיין זיין פאַרפאַלן עשירות. Professor Moriarty uses the information in an attempt to blackmail the young man Ronald Adair, portrayed by Leslie Perrins.

Unfortunately for Moriarty, Adair’s sister Kathleen is friends with Dr. יוחנן וואַצאָן. דר. Watson will ensure that his friend Sherlock Holmes intervenes in the case to help the Adairs. Ronald is traveling on a diplomatic mission to Hampstead as a member of Britain’s diplomatic corp. It is on this mission that Moriarty wants Ronald Adair to drop a briefcase for one of Moriarty’s confederates.


Arthur Wontner in Still from The Sleeping Cardinal from the Public Domain

Moriarty tries to warn Holmes off the case with no luck of course. When Ronald Adair is murdered and Kathleen is suspected, Holmes and Watson, played by Ian Fleming (not the James Bond creator), throw their energies into identifying Moriarty and his henchman including Colonel Sebastian Moran.

Arthur Wontner played in five Sherlock Holmes films of which four survive. This film was the first of the five films released between 1931 און 1937. לויט צו וויקיפעדיע, Arthur Wontner was born January 21, 1875. He lived until July 10, 1960, when he passed away at 85 יאָרן פון עלטער. ער איז געווען 56 years old at the time of this film. Wontner’s IMDB Page lists 53 movies and television shows between 1916 און 1955.

This series is extremely well done particularly for 1931. Wontner is my favorite פילם שערלאַק האָלמעס. My only criticism of this series is the same as the Basil Rathbone series. Professor Moriarty was a character in one Sherlock Holmes story, The Adventure of the Final Problem. Same for Colonel Moran. He was a character in The Adventure of the Empty House.

Yet when you watch these series, you would think Moriarty and Moran were in every Strand Magazine story. I guess the producers felt that without an arch criminal the arch detective would not be as interesting.

דעם פילם לויפט בעערעך 81 מינוט. It is definitely a feature film. It can be viewed for free on YouTube or other Public Domain sites.

Which film Sherlock Holmes do you prefer, Arthur Wontner or Basil Rathbone? Why do you like one more than the other?

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