Evan “Strangler” Lewis Available
Kohët e fundit kam mbaruar Evan “The Strangler” Lewis: Wrestler më frikë e shekullit 19. Evan Lewis ishte një ekspert të kualifikuar paraqitjes gjatë legjitime epokës profesionale mundje edhe pse ai ka marrë pjesë në një çift i paracaktuar ndeshjet.
Në janar 1886, Evan Lewis used his dreaded stranglehold on Sorakichi Matsada. According to several newspapers, Lewis attempted to “strangle Sorakichi to death”. The reaction was so strong, Lewis’ pet move was banned in the rematch a month later. What Lewis did to Sorakichi Matsada in the return match would cement his reputation as a vicious submission expert.
Lewis continued wrestling for 13 more years including a two-year run as American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Lewis never really escaped the shadow of his actions in the Sorakichi Matsada matches becoming wrestling’s first real villain. Lewis’ reputation was not enhanced by his out of the ring actions.
Ky libër do të ju nëpërmjet një llogari e detajuar e Lewis’ karrierë brenda dhe jashtë unazës. Lexuesi mund të vendosë për veten e tyre nëse Lewis’ Reputacioni i merituar ose jo.
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