Pennod 44 – Young Ed Lewis

ed-strangler-lewis-in-1913 Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadUpdate I have committed to finishing the St. Louis history book in the next few months. Since I also want to finish the story of EdStrangler” Lewis’ career, I am going to work on both projects at the same time. I should finish both projects by late summer or early fall 2024. I

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Pennod 43 – Mixed Bout

pelydr-dur Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadUpdate I have finished writing Origins of a Legend: The Making of EdStrangler” Lewis. After editing, it should be released in late January/early February 2024. We briefly discuss Vince Russo’s ideas for a women’s wrestling organization. We try to figure out the market for this material. We also suggest a therapist is probably

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Pennod 42 – Gambling Schemes

william-demetral-around-1913 Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss how gambling schemes fed into professional wrestling’s unsavory reputation. Update I am two-thirds done with the book on EdStrangler” Lewis’ early career. The book should be out in late January or early February. This episode is sponsored by Redhawk Mercantile. Main Content We discuss a 19th Century gambling

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Pennod 41 – Why Mort Henderson?

mort-henderson Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss a new discover about EdStrangler” Lewis, why Mort Henderson was picked to be the Masked Marvel, and a look at Jerry Lawler vs. “DirtyDutch Mantel. Update After recapping Stanislaus Zybszko double-crossing the Gold Dust Trio, I reveal that EdStranglerLewis wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko for the first

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Pennod 40 – Hapus, Nadolig Llawen

john-raicevich Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss a Christmas Night wrestling fiasco in 1911. Update We intend to release forty podcasts next year and twenty blog posts. Main Topic We discuss a match between Stanislaus Zbyszko and Giovanni Raicievich on Christmas Night 1911. The controversial match lacking much action led to an action packed riot in

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Pennod 66 – Sando a Lewis

ed-strangler-lewis-in-1913 Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss how and when Billy Sandow and EdStranglerLewis really met. Update We discuss the status of my research project on EdStrangler” Lewis’ early career. We also discuss AEW’s recent problems ending their shows on time. We finish with terrible NFL owners and their tendency to stick their

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Pennod 39 – Croes Ddwbl Zbyszko

lewis-zbyszko-ysgwyd dwylo Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss the famous double-cross of “Big” Wayne Munn and the Gold Dust Trio by Stanislaus Zbyszko. Update We discuss the podcast and website schedule for 2024. I plan on recording forty podcasts and writing twenty posts for 2024. We will release three to four podcasts a year. Main Topic In

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Pennod 65 – Joe Stecher yn y 1910au

joe-stecher-bencampwriaeth-belt Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss news, the Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame, Joe Stecher yn y 1910au, and review a match from Mid-Atlantic in 1983. Update I have completed about a third of the new project on EdStrangler” Lewis’ early career. I think the project may be complete in mid-January 2024. We discuss

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Pennod 38 – Zbyszko yn erbyn. Aberg

zbyszko-vs-aberg Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadIn this episode, trafodwn gêm olaf Stanislaus Zbyszko yn ei daith gyntaf o amgylch America. Gorffennwn gyda'i ddychweliad i'r Unol Daleithiau yn 1920. Diweddariad Rwy'n trafod cynnydd fy mhrosiect ymchwil newydd ar yrfa gynnar Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Rydyn ni'n trafod Twitter diweddar Tony Khan, neu X, Rhyfeloedd gyda

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Pennod 37 – Zbyszko yn erbyn. Gotch

stanislaus-zbyszko Chwarae mewn ffenestr newydd | DownloadIn this episode, trafodwn ymgyrch Stanislaus Zbyszko ar gyfer Teitl Byd Frank Gotch. Diweddariad Rwy'n rhoi diweddariad ar fy mhrosiect llyfr newydd ar yrfa gynnar Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Prif Gynnwys Emil Klank, Rheolwr Frank Gotch, recriwtio Stanislaus Zbyszko i deithio i'r Unol Daleithiau yn 1909 i reslo Pencampwr y Byd presennol

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