Episode 44 – Young Ed Lewis


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/apvrw5/Episode_449wyfa.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadUpdate I have committed to finishing the St. Louis history book in the next few months. Since I also want to finish the story of Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ karriera, I am going to work on both projects at the same time. I should finish both projects by late summer or early fall 2024. I

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Episode 43 – Mixed Bout


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/n9e7e9/Episode_4382qwo.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadUpdate I have finished writing Origins of a Legend: The Making of Ed “Strangler” Lewis. After editing, it should be released in late January/early February 2024. We briefly discuss Vince Russo’s ideas for a women’s wrestling organization. We try to figure out the market for this material. We also suggest a therapist is probably

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Episode 42 – Gambling Schemes


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/z9gqwp/Episode_426s6a2.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss how gambling schemes fed into professional wrestling’s unsavory reputation. Update I am two-thirds done with the book on Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ karriera bikrija. The book should be out in late January or early February. This episode is sponsored by Redhawk Mercantile. Main Content We discuss a 19th Century gambling

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Episode 41 – Why Mort Henderson?


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/25sh5a/Episode_418ooth.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss a new discover about Ed “Strangler” Lewis, why Mort Henderson was picked to be the Masked Marvel, and a look at Jerry Lawler vs. “DirtyDutch Mantel. Update After recapping Stanislaus Zybszko double-crossing the Gold Dust Trio, I reveal that Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko for the first

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Episode 40 – Ferħan, Il-Milied it-tajjeb


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/r3wpan/Episode40.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, niddiskutu fiasco ta’ lotta fil-Lejla tal-Milied 1911. Aġġornament Għandna l-ħsieb li noħorġu erbgħin podcasts is-sena d-dieħla u għoxrin blog post. Suġġett Prinċipali Niddiskutu partita bejn Stanislaus Zbyszko u Giovanni Raicievich fil-Lejla tal-Milied 1911. Il-partita kontroversjali li kienet nieqsa minn ħafna azzjoni wasslet għal rewwixta mimlija azzjoni

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Episode 66 – Sandow u Lewis


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/svhis7/Episode_39-59hfh4.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, niddiskutu kif u meta Billy Sandow u Ed “Strangler” Lewis verament iltaqa’. Aġġornament Niddiskutu l-istatus tal-proġett ta 'riċerka tiegħi fuq Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ karriera bikrija. Niddiskutu wkoll il-problemi riċenti ta 'AEW li jtemmu l-ispettakli tagħhom fil-ħin. Nispiċċaw ma 'sidien terribbli NFL u t-tendenza tagħhom li jeħel tagħhom

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Episode 39 – Double-Cross ta’ Zbyszko


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ck4mz9/Episode39.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, niddiskutu l-famuż double-cross ta “Big” Wayne Munn u t-Trio tat-Trab tad-Deheb ta’ Stanislaus Zbyszko. Aġġornament Niddiskutu l-iskeda tal-podcast u l-websajt għal 2024. Nippjana li nirrekordja erbgħin podcast u nikteb għoxrin post għal 2024. Se noħorġu minn tlieta sa erba’ podcasts fis-sena. Suġġett Ewlieni Fil

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Episode 65 – Joe Stecher fl-1910s


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/etnjei/Episode_38-57paw4.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, niddiskutu aħbarijiet, il-Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame, Joe Stecher fl-1910s, u tirrevedi partita minn Mid-Atlantic in 1983. Aġġornament lestejt madwar terz tal-proġett il-ġdid fuq Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ karriera bikrija. Naħseb li l-proġett jista’ jkun lest f’nofs Jannar 2024. Niddiskutu

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Episode 38 – Zbyszko vs. Åberg


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/cs9hfp/Episode_386vlbg.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, niddiskutu l-aħħar partita ta’ Stanislaus Zbyszko fl-ewwel tour tiegħu fl-Amerika. Nispiċċaw bir-ritorn tiegħu fl-Istati Uniti fi 1920. Aġġornament Niddiskuti l-progress tal-proġett ġdid ta' riċerka tiegħi dwar il-karriera bikrija ta' Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Niddiskutu t-Twitter riċenti ta’ Tony Khan, jew X, Gwerer ma

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Episode 37 – Zbyszko vs. Gotch


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/hbnszv/Episode_378tnd7.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, niddiskutu l-kampanja ta’ Stanislaus Zbyszko għat-Titolu Dinji ta’ Frank Gotch. Aġġornament Nagħti aġġornament dwar il-proġett tal-ktieb il-ġdid tiegħi dwar il-karriera bikrija ta' Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Kontenut Prinċipali Emil Klank, Il-manager ta’ Frank Gotch, ingaġġa lil Stanislaus Zbyszko biex jivvjaġġa lejn l-Istati Uniti fi 1909 biex tiġġieled iċ-Champion tad-Dinja attwali

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