Episode 18 – Sand vs Pendleton


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/2yakt8/Episode_18ag9gz.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | Download Aġġornament L-episodju li jmiss se joħroġ nhar it-Tnejn, Frar 13, 2023, fejn se niddiskuti partita bejn l-eks Champion Amerikan tal-Lotta Heavyweight u futur Champion tad-Dinja tal-Heavyweight Boxing. Kontenut Prinċipali F'Jannar 1923, il-gwerra promozzjonali bejn Jack Curley u l-Gold Dust Trio irriżulta f'konkors rimja bejn

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Episode 17 – Lezzjonijiet tal-Awtur


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/5vctyw/Episode_177wnp9.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | Niżżel Aġġornament Se nkompli noħroġ żewġ episodji fix-xahar għall-futur prevedibbli. L-episodju li jmiss se joħroġ it-Tnejn, Jannar 23, 2023. Naqsam ukoll il-ħsibijiet tiegħi dwar Vince McMahon li jisforza ruħu lura fuq il-bord tal-World Wrestling Entertainment. Main Content Nitkellem dwar dak li kont naf li nidħol f'kull wieħed

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Episode 15 – Lewis’ L-aħħar Konkorsi


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/4tm282/Episode_15bmu6s.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | Download Aġġornament Għandna mistieden fl-istudjo din il-ġimgħa. kuġin tiegħi, Dan Zimmerman, jingħaqad magħna biex nitkellmu dwar l-attendenza live wrestling cards f’St. Louis u Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Dan jirrakkonta kif kważi qtilna t-tnejn waqt karta tal-lott tal-WWF fl-Awditorju ta’ Kiel f’St.. Louis during 1986. Suġġett Ewlieni

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Episode 14 – Cora Livingston


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ysgcxd/Episode_1488754.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | Niżżel Aġġornament Nibda l-episodju billi niddiskuti l-ħtieġa li nalterna bejn episodji ko-ospitati u episodji solo għall-futur prevedibbli. Main Content Niddiskuti l-karriera bikrija tal-ewwel Champion World Wrestling tan-Nisa rikonoxxuta, Cora Livingston. Fil 1908, Livingston sostniet iċ-Champion Amerikan tal-Lotta tan-Nisa wara li Livingston għeleb lil Hazel Parker. Cora Livingston kisbet

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Episode 13 – Logħba Perikoluża


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/agrffg/Episode_139hxwd.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, niddiskutu deċiżjoni perikoluża li ħa Tom Jenkins fil-Lejl tal-Milied 1902. Aġġornament Żid diskussjoni dwar video tal-MMA li fih storja ta' lotta pro. Martin staqsieni mistoqsija dwar il-video li suppost kelli niddiskuti iżda tlift fl-intro tagħna għal dan l-episodju. Indaqq l-episodju regolari

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Episode 11 – Correcting Books


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/wk6gsp/Episode_117iqi8.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss when an author has a duty to correct a book the author published earlier. Update I have completed the manuscript for the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. I will release the book in mid-November 2022. Main Content While researching the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship,

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Episode 10 – John “The Tigerman” Ramel


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/qqups9/Episode_109lwdy.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, we will be talking about John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek. Update I have completed the first draft of the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. I expect releasing the finished book at the end of October or beginning of November 2022. We also briefly discuss the situation in All Elite

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Episode 9 – Tom Jenkins


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/qa5x3a/Episode_96v6p8.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadEpisode Preview In this episode, I will be talking about Frank Gotch’s toughest opponent, Tom Jenkins. Introduction Tony Khan has some real problems with the recent altercation between his top star and his Executive Vice Presidents. Main Content I have almost completed the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. I have a solid

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Episode 8 – Promoting Wrestling


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/rsq65p/Episode_88jy4q.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadEpisode Preview In this episode, I will be talking about the development of the promotional system in the 1910s and early 1920s. Update Update on the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship book project due out before Christmas this year. This project is much bigger than I imagined. Wrestlers worked more of the matches than I

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Episode 7 – The Masked Marvel


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/qj6w7e/Episode_7859w1.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, my new co-host and youngest son, Caleb Zimmerman, joins the podcast. We discuss recent changes at World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and the new leadership team’s early positive signs. The main topic of the show is the Masked Marvel and the 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournament. Sam Rachmann promoted the tournament,

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