“Toots” Mondti vigastatud aastal 1922


Joseph “Toots” Mondt maadles professionaalselt 1910. aastate algusest kuni 1930. aastateni, kuid tegi oma tõelise jälje broneerijana, broneerimisagent ja promootor. Samal ajal kui Ed “Strangler” Lewis pidas Mondti õiguspärases maadlusmatšis võrdseks, Mondtil on töötatud maadlusnäitustel nurkade ja viimistluste loomise geenius. Mondt ühineks Lewise ja tema mänedžeri Billy Sandowga

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Taro Miyake maadleb St.. Louis


Hilisest ajast 1921 kuni 1923, John Contos edendas professionaalset maadlust St. Louis, Missouri. Siiski, Contos otsustas edutamise jätta, et keskenduda lootustandva staari Dan Kolovi karjääri juhtimisele. Enne lahkumist St. Louis, Contos müüs reklaami Tom Packsile, tema vennapoeg ja assistent edutamisel. Pakid’ esimene kaart oli määratud reedeks, Jaanuar 4, 1924.

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Box Office Bust?


When discussing Stanislaus Zbyszko’s title reign from 1921 kuni 1922, the main reason given for taking the title from him was that his title reign was a box office failure. Do the numbers validate this belief? Prior to wining the championship, Zbyszko wrestled former champion Joe Stecher at the 71st Regiment Armory in front of 7,000 fans. Sisse 1915, the

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Lewis Wrestles Mondt in Kansas City


Maailma raskekaalu maadluse meister Ed “StranglerLewis wrestled hundreds of legitimate wrestling matches with Joseph “Toots” Mondt over the years. During conversations with his young protégé, Lou Thesz, Lewis said he only had to worry about losing to two wrestlers in his long career. Only Mondt and Stanislaus Zbyszko had a chance of defeating him in a legitimate contest. Üks

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Põllumees põletab lahinguid Evan Lewis


The biggest American pro wrestling match of the 19th Century occurred on April 21, 1895 in Chicago, Illinois. Evan “StranglerLewis defended his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship against Martin “Farmer” Burns. The 34-year-olds were both skilled withhooksor submission holds making them the top of the food chain in legitimate professional wrestling. Lewis had been undisputed champion since 1893

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Gotch Bests Bulgarian


Aprillil 14, 1909, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met Yussif Mahmout, a skilled Bulgarian wrestler, in Chicago, Illinois for his title. Fans considered Mahmout a tough challenger primarily because they had not seen him wrestle. Emil Klank, Gotch’s manager, convinced foreign wrestlers with good reputations like Mahmout and Stanislaus Zbyszko to travel to America to challenge Gotch. Fans

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