Tiger Man zkrotí Nat Pendleton


V 1922, New York promoter Jack Curley ran afoul of the Gold Dust Trio, manager Billy Sandow, Mistr světa v těžké váze Ed “Strangler” Lewis and wrestler/promotional genius Joseph “Toots” Mondt. The Trio controlled the world championship and froze Curley out of booking the champion. To get even with the Trio, Curley began aggressively promoting Olympic wrestling silver medalist and collegiate

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Beats Charley Olson


Stanislaus Zbyszko traveled to the United States in 1909 seeking a match with recognized World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. To get in shape for this challenge and build anticipation for the title match, Zbyskzo toured most of the major cities in the United States. During May 1910, Zbyszko arrived in St. Louis for his match with capable wrestler Charles

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Lewis Takes Title Back from Zbyszko


Prosince 14, 1922, a crowd of 10,000 fans filled the St. Louis Coliseum to watch the rematch between current World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Ed “Strangler” Lewis and former champion Stanislaus Zbyszko. Lewis “defeated” Zbyszko for the title in Wichita, Kansas in March 1922. Unknown to these fans, the plan was for Zbyszko to lose the match to Lewis but

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Beell Beats “Americus”

fred-beell-lehká-těžká váha

V lednu 1905, well-regarded wrestler Gus Schoenlein, also known as Americus, agreed to meet Fred Beell in Schoenlein’s hometown of Baltimore, Maryland. Schoenlein expected to beat Beell easily. At 5’10” a 210 liber, “Americus” towered over the 5’04”, 170 pound Beell. While Beell was powerfully built, Schoenlein’s 40 pounds was a mountainous advantage. Both men were skilled wrestlers though. Druhý,

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Plánovaný Lewis – Zbyszko Match


Když se Billy Sandow a Ed Lewis rozhodli, že vládě Stanislause Zbyszka došly propagační síly., se rozhodli “win” vrátit titul v březnu 1922. St. Louis promotér John Contos dokázal zajistit velkou odvetu, ke kterému by došlo u kostela sv. Louis Coliseum ve čtvrtek, Prosinec 14, 1922. By this time, Americký profesionální wrestling mimo

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Gotch setká zápas v Zbyszko


Na čtvrtek večer, Listopad 25, 1909, World Wrestling mistr Frank Gotch potkal polský Wrestling šampion Stanislaus Zbyszko pro handicap utkání v Buffalu, New York. Gotch souhlasil vzdát zápas, kdyby nemohl hodit Zbyszko dvakrát za hodinu. Velikost Zbyszko a síla vytvořil problémy Gotch, který vážil 190 liber Zbyszko je 260 liber. Však, Zbyszko

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Stecher Beats Westergaard v Lincolnu


In a blog post last month, I wrote about the difficulty promoters had in staging the Joe Stecher vs Jess Westergaard match. Originally scheduled for Omaha, Nebraska, the Omaha Chief of Police and Police Commissioner were concerned about the match being prearranged or a “work”. They didn’t want gamblers being taken in by the exhibition. To prevent this occurrence, they

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Frank Gotch Pays Své příspěvky


Frank Gotch, farmářský chlapec z Humboldt, Iowa, by porazit George Hackenschmidt pro mistrovství světa Heavyweight Wrestling v 1908. Toto vítězství a jeho následná porážka “Kopnutí” v 1911 odvetu stmelil Gotch místo jako jeden z největších zápasníků všech dob. Gotch was a very talented wrestler but he was not the undefeated wunderkind of legend. Gotch

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