Zbyszko Defeats Westergard


On jaanuar 10, 1912, Stanislaus Zbyszko continued his campaign for another title shot with World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. To press his claim, he secured a match with Gotch training partner and protegé, Jake Westergard. Westergard claimed a questionable win over his mentor Gotch, who probably dropped the match to Westergard in a prearranged match. Zbyszko oli osav

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Stecher ja Zbyszko sõlmivad tehingu


On detsember 13, 1920, EdStrangler” Lewis alistas Joe Stecheri maadluse raskekaalu maailmameistrivõistlustel. Professional wrestling was a staged exhibition by 1920. Siiski, such was the strong feelings between the men that the match may have been a “shoot” or legitimate match in which Lewis took the belt. Whether the outcome of the match was real, the feud

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Evan “Strangler” Lewis Näitab Mean Streak


Evan “Strangler” Lewis, nimetatakse ka Evan Lewis “kuristaja”, oli professionaalne maadleja 1882 kuni 1899. Lewis was the first American Heavyweight Catch-as-Catch Can Wrestling Champion. He was also the first wrestler to perfect the “stranglehold” või “hang hold”, mida tänapäevased MMA-fännid tunnevad giljotiini õhuklappina. Lewis made his professional debut by winning a 64 meeste turniir

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Farmer Burns Beats Michigan Champion


Martin “Farmer” Burns is famous today as the trainer of legendary wrestler Frank Gotch. “Farmer” Burns was a great wrestler in his own right. Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion in the legitimate pro wrestling era despite being only 165 naela. Sisse 1891, Burns as the Iowa Heavyweight Champion took on J.C. Comstock, the Michigan Heavyweight Champion. J.C. Comstock was

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Zbyszko Bests Giant Nogert


On jaanuar 11, 1911, world heavyweight wrestling championship contender Stanislaus Zbysko faced the challenge of the powerful but less talented Peter “Giant” Nogert. Nogert was a South African wrestler, who came to the United States for a few years in the early 1910s. Due to a strong international reputation, mõned Ameerika maadlejad olid varem isegi väitnud, et nad on Nogert

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Maitsete muutmine

john-contos-kaart 1923. aastal

In November 1923, St. Louis Star-Timesi reporter Billy Murphy intervjueeris St. Louisi maadluse edendaja John Contos. Murphy tegi Contosele ettepaneku, et domineerivate maadlejate, nagu William Muldoon, ajastu on läbi. Murphy rääkis hiljutisest mängust “Maailmameister” Hardneck Phillips ja mängukandidaat Webster O’Malley. Phillips kaitses edukalt oma meistritiitlit, visates O’Malley järel 1 hour, 50

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Lewis Frustrates Stecher and Mayor


EdStrangler” Lewis and Joe Stecher conducted one of the greatest rivalries of the early arranged professional wrestling exhibition era. Lewis and Stecher wrestled many times including a five and a half hour draw in 1916. Several of their early matches appeared to be legitimate. Legend also has it that Lewis actually had to beat Stecher in a “tulistada matši”

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Gotch Fouls His Way to Title


Aprillil 3, 1908, American Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met World Wrestling Champion George Hackenschmidt for the World Title at Dexter Park Pavilion in Chicago, Illinois. Hackenschmidt was undefeated as a professional but had been World Champion for approximately 7 aastat. Gotch oli aasta vanem, kuid ta pidas end tõusjaks. Spordiala kajastavad fännid ja reporterid pidasid Gotchiks

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Dr. Roller ja Zbyszko Battle juhtida


Teisipäeval, Märts 22, 1910, Dr. Benjamin Roller täidetud Stanislaus Zbyszko in õigustatud maadlus mängu. Professionaalne maadlus oleks üleminek õigustatud võistlus lavastatud näituse vahel 1910 ja 1920. Dr. Benjamin Roller graduated from the University of Pennsylvania by playing professional football. Roller accepted an academic appointment in physiology where he assisted in the writing of a textbook. Dr.

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