Roeber Exposes Business


When World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion William Muldoon retired in 1889, he hoped his protege Ernest Roeber would be recognized as the new champion. Hala ere, Muldoon won his title in Greco-Roman wrestling, which was the German-born Roeber’s expertise. Zoritxarrez, the exploits of Martin “Baserritarrak” Burns and Evan “Strangler” Lewis catapulted catch-as-catch-can wrestling into the dominant style. Roeber did have a

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Hack Accuses Americans of Faking


When “Errusiako Lehoia” George Hackenschmidt toured America in 1905, he left the country unimpressed by the state of American wrestling. The current World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, bezala ezagutzen “Hack” to much of the wrestling public, toured several cities in an attempt to arrange a match with American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins. Hackenschmidtek munduko titulua irabazi zuen greko-erromatarrez

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Fred Beell Unimpressive in 1903


Fred Beell developed a reputation in the early 20th Century as a powerful and dangerous wrestler. His reputation was not built by his 1903 campaign. Beell suffered as many high-profile defeats as victories. Beell started well in April 1903, when he defeated St. Paul AAU Wrestling Champion James McAuley. McAuley won the first fall in 22 minutu. Beell won the

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“Little Demon” Unable to Beat Whistler


Joe Acton was one of England’s best wrestlers during the 19th Century. 151-pound Acton went through England’s middleweight ranks before plowing through the heavyweights. After beating the best England had to offer including Tom Cannon, Acton decided to test his abilities in the United States. Joe Acton settled in Philadelphia at Arthur Chamber’s Champions Rest during the summer months of

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St. Louis Wrestler Surprises Gotch


Frank Gotch holds the title of America’s greatest legitimate professional wrestler. Gotch competed in mostly legitimate contests with a few pre-arranged or “worked” matches thrown in the mix. Arabera 1904 edo 1905, no one could really beat Gotch unless he allowed it. In the early years of his career, Gotch was not so dominant. He dropped matches to his mentor,

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Londresek Kolov garaitu du


Jim Londos borroka profesionalaren mailan igo zen, 1930eko hamarkadan ez ezik, garai guztietako leihatilako izarrik handiena bihurtu zen.. Hala ere, Londos ez balitz St. Louis 1920ko hamarkadaren hasieran, istorioa nahiko ezberdina izan zitekeen. Londosek harrapatzeko borrokan ikasi zuen Londosek inauterietako zirkuituan gizon indartsu gisa aritu zen bitartean.

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Fred Beell Overcomes Old Champ

fred-beell-pisu arina

Urriaren On 20, 1906, Fred Beell proved dynamite comes in small packages. Beell, light heavyweight wrestling champion, defeated former American heavyweight champion Dan McLeod. Beell parlayed an active 1906 into defeats of former American Heavyweight Champion Dan McLeod and current American Heavyweight Champion Frank Gotch. Beell won the American Middleweight (Light Heavyweight) Txapelketa baina fokuetatik kanpo geratu zen arte

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Americusek Charley Olsoni irabazi dio


Azaroaren on 7, 1908, Charles Olson ezagutu zuen “Americus” Gus Schonlein Munduko Pisu Astunen Borroka Txapelketarako. Partida ikusleek uste zuten bezain zirraragarria izan zen baina eztabaidan amaitu zen. Olson 6 zutik zegoen’01” baina pisatu bakarrik 170 libera. Krefeld-en jaio zen Max Flaskamp, Ipar Renania-Westfalia urtean 1879, Charles edo Charley Olson izena hartu zuen

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Gotch Easily Beats Raicevich


Giovanni Raicevich stood only 5’07” tall but weighed a muscular 220 libera. Raicevich carried pro bodybuilder type muscle 50 years before the steroid era. Hala ere, when it came to wrestling, Raicevich’s skill set was not quite as developed as his physique. Raicevich was one of many foreign wrestlers, Ameriketara bidaiatu zuena Frank Gotch-i aurre egiteko garaitu ondoren

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Gabon Gaua Borroka Fiasco


Gabon gauean 1911, Stanislaus Zbyszkok Giovanni Raicievich ezagutu zuen asko espero zen pisu astuneko borrokan. Zbyszko, Frank Gotch Munduko Pisu Astunen Borroka Txapeldunarekin errebantxa baten aldeko kanpaina egiten ari zena, Raicevich botatzea onartu zuen 3 aldiz 90 minutu edo galtzaile deklaratu. Gizonak New Yorkeko Madison Square Garden ospetsuan sartu zirenean, Zbyszko izan da, argi eta garbi

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