“Strangulatam” Headlocks Caddock for Win

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Et “Strangulatam” Ludovicus maximus est luctatorum professionalium et mundi pugilum omnium aevi. Lewis’ signature moventur est stranglehold, quo Ludovicus incepit uti auctorum et luctatorum transitioned ad praestitutam vel "laboratam" exhibitionem. Cicero principio usus est in fronte facie cincinno seu guillotine suffocant. nominatus Evang Ludovicus "Strangler" Lewis fecit seram frontem vel

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Matsuda Wins First Match


Sorakichi Matsuda originally trained in sumo wrestling. When Matsuda decided to become a catch-as-catch-can wrestler, he was forced to travel to the United States. Professional wrestling would not become popular in Japan until the middle of the Twentieth Century. Upon arriving in the United States in 1883, it took Matsuda a few months to secure a match. Et tandem consecutus

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Aberg Tempts Gotch

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Lorem ipsum, Samuel Rachman, who promoted both the 1915 International Wrestling Tournament and Greco-Roman World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Aleksander “Alex” Åberg, tried to lure retired World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch into the tournament. Rachman hoped to bolster Aberg’s claim as the successor to Gotch. Rachman offered Gotch $20,000 to wrestle Aberg in May 1915. Rachman in tournamentum Mercurii committitur

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Farmer Burns Wears Out Jack King

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Martin “Agricola” Burns reportedly trained over 1,000 wrestlers in his career as America’s foremost wrestling trainer. Autem, Inutilis facta est suae rei urente. Before he retired to train wrestlers full-time, Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Evan “The Strangler” Lewis in 1895. Burns held the title for two years. In 1893, Ardet adhuc

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Et “Strangulatam” Ludovicus top est duorum luctatorum American professio omnium temporis. Dum Ludovicus legitimus luctator obsequii, quis posset vincere luctamine, et laboraverunt fere solum in praestituto spectaculo compositus. In 1929, et interfuit in par cum professionalem eu ludio ludius conversus luctator, Gus Sonnenberg. Sonnenberg erat in Providentia vapor Rollerus,

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Gotch Beats Lurich in His Last Match


Frank Gotch was famous for defeating George Hackenschmidt, mundi fortissimus athleta, et in weightlifter 1908 and the 1911 rematch. Gotch tenuit nomine per quinque annos, et omnia quae in propatulo posito,. In comparatione vero ad iuventute 35, Gotch cedere statuit,. Ad ultimum certamine, he would take on another famous European wrestler and weightlifter, George Lurich. George Lurich

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Santel Hurts Another Wrestler


Ad Santel entered professional wrestling a generation too late. By the time he started wrestling in the 1910s, professional wrestling transitioned from contests to prearranged exhibitions. Santel possessed strong submission skills, which would have allowed him to beat most of the wrestlers in legitimate wrestling contests. Santel pluribus certaminibus legitimis cum Iaponica jujitsu medicorum interfuit. Adhibuit

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Tours in 1910


In late 1909, Stanislaus Zbyszko traveled to the United States to challenge World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. Prior to meeting Gotch, Zbyszko toured the United States and battled many local wrestlers throughout the early part of 1910. Zbyszko would travel 37,000 miles. Early in his tour, Zbyszko met Frank Gotch in a handicap match. Zbyszko defeated Gotch, qui

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