Aberg Tempts Gotch


Заправо, Samuel Rachman, who promoted both the 1915 International Wrestling Tournament and Greco-Roman World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Aleksander “Alex” Aberg, tried to lure retired World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch into the tournament. Rachman hoped to bolster Aberg’s claim as the successor to Gotch. Rachman offered Gotch $20,000 to wrestle Aberg in May 1915. Рахманов турнир је требало да почне у среду

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Farmer Burns Wears Out Jack King


Мартин “Фармер” Burns reportedly trained over 1,000 wrestlers in his career as America’s foremost wrestling trainer. <Спан ббок_к = "289" ббок_и = "553" ббок_в = "56" ббок_х = "20" фсизе = "14" фвеигхт = "3" црвено = "255" зелено = "255" плави = "255" алфа = ", Бернс је био велики рвач у свом праву. Before he retired to train wrestlers full-time, Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Evan “Давитељ” Lewis in 1895. Burns held the title for two years. У 1893, Бурнс је био миран

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Највећи меч Станислав Збисзко је?


No one can question that Stanislaus Zbyszko was a great wrestler. Почео рвање када професионалац игра је и даље актуелан конкурс. Он је наставио да буде успешан, након игра променила на обрађеним (prearranged) шибице. Заправо, учествовао је на такмичењу у стрељаштву, when he legitimately defeated Big Wayne Munn for the title in 1925 двоструким укрштањем његових промотера.

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Фред Беелл убијен на дужности


Фред Беелл се професионално рвао од 1900 до 1919. Након што је стекао легендарну репутацију због неких својих победа над Мартином “Фармер” Бернс, Дан Меклауд и Френк Гоч, Беелл се пензионисао чим се приближио 43 година. Његова пост рвачка каријера довела би до његове неочекиване смрти у 57. Фред Беелл је превазишао велике шансе да постане компетентан професионални рвач

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Gotch Beats Lurich in His Last Match


Frank Gotch was famous for defeating George Hackenschmidt, светски шампион рвач и дизач тегова у 1908 and the 1911 rematch. Готцх одржана титулу за пет година и поразио све заинтересоване. На релативно младом добу 35, Готцх одлучио да се повуче. За свог последњег меча, he would take on another famous European wrestler and weightlifter, George Lurich. George Lurich

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Santel Hurts Another Wrestler


Ad Santel entered professional wrestling a generation too late. By the time he started wrestling in the 1910s, professional wrestling transitioned from contests to prearranged exhibitions. Santel possessed strong submission skills, which would have allowed him to beat most of the wrestlers in legitimate wrestling contests. Сантел је учествовао на неколико легитимних такмичења са практичарима јапанске џиуџицу. Користио је

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Tours in 1910


In late 1909, Stanislaus Zbyszko traveled to the United States to challenge World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. Prior to meeting Gotch, Zbyszko toured the United States and battled many local wrestlers throughout the early part of 1910. Zbyszko would travel 37,000 miles. Early in his tour, Zbyszko met Frank Gotch in a handicap match. Zbyszko defeated Gotch, who was

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Gotch Crushes Jenkins for Title


On Thursday, Јануар 27, 1904, Том Џенкинс одбранио је своје америчко првенство у рвању против надолазећег рвача из Ајове. After the first fall, навијачи су схватили да је то био најтежи меч од Френка Алвина Гоча, the Humboldt, Iowa farm boy who would defeat Georg Hackenschmidt for the World Heavyweight Championship in 1908, was Jenkins’ challenger. Џенкинс је победио Готцх'с

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Whistler and Ross Disgust Crowd


After several months of wrangling, Clarence Whistler met Duncan C. Ross on Monday, Новембар 7, 1881 in a best three-out-of-five falls match. Two falls were to be conducted in catch-as-catch-can wrestling, which both men were considered adept at. Two falls were to be conducted in collar-and-elbow wrestling, which was a Ross speciality. The final fall would be conducted in Greco-Roman

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Was Lewis or Gotch Better?


У јануару 1921, Ad Santel started a minor controversy by claiming Ed “Давитељ” Lewis was a better wrestler than the late Frank Gotch. Santel trained with both Gotch and Lewis, so he did have an insider’s knowledge. Was he right though? Gotch was the last Undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Gotch won the title by defeating the great Georg Hackenschmidt.

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