McLeod-ek George Baptiste borrokatzen du

dan mcleod

Dan McLeodek Martin "Farmer" Burns garaitu zuen urrian zehar American Heavyweight Wrestling Txapelketarako 1897. McLeodek lau urtez eutsi zion txapelketari, Frank Gotchen aurkaririk gogorrena ezagutu zuen arte, Tom Jenkins. Hasieran 1899, McLeodek pare bat tituluren defentsa egin zituen Minnesotan. On February 24, 1899, McLeod-ek St. Louis Middleweight Borroka Txapelduna George Baptiste aurrean Conover aretoan

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Borroka sustatzea


Borroka profesionala atletismo-erakusketa bihurtu zen legezko lehiaketetatik bi arrazoirengatik. Lehen arrazoiari buruz asko idatzi dut. Trebetasun berdineko borrokalarien arteko lehia zilegiak luzeak ziren askotan, ekintza gutxiko kontu aspergarriak. Lehiaketa hauek zaleak itzali zituzten eta borroka profesionalak ikusle-kirol gisa lehertzea eragotzi zuten. Bigarren arrazoiaz ez dut hainbeste idatzi. The

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Lewisek amerikar titulua irabazi du


1910eko hamarkadaren hasieran Kentuckyn borroka egin aurretik, Borroka zaleek Ed "Strangler" Lewis Bob Fredrichs bezala ezagutzen zuten. Nekoosan jaio zen Robert Friedrich, Wisconsin, Lewis-ek bere borroka profesionalean debutatu zuen 1905, oraindik bakarrik 14 urte. Kentuckyko sustatzaileek Bob Fredrichs arruntegia pentsatu zuten, beraz, Lewis-ek bere izen berria aukeratu zuen Wisconsineko bertako eta jatorrizko lagunari omenaldi gisa

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Big Man Too Much Jenkinsentzat


Maiatzaren On 7, 1901, Tom Jenkinsek Nouralah Hassan erraldoiarekin borrokatu zuen New Yorken. Bulgarian jaio zen bitartean 1870, Hassan sei oin zegoen, zortzi zentimetroko altuera eta pisua zuen 331 libera. Jenkinsek borrokarako trebetasun handia zuen bitartean, zaleek eta kazetariek Hassanen tamaina izugarriak Jenkinsi arazoak ekartzea espero zuten. Sustatzaileek gizonezkoak Madison Square Garden-en borrokatzeko erreserbatu zituzten

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Jatorrizko Masked Marvel Paseak


Abuztuaren On 4, 1939, Mort Henderson passed away in Rochester, New York at 60 urte. Wrestling fans likely did not remember the name Mort Henderson but as his alter ego, the original Masked Marvel, he saved the fall version of the 1915 International Wrestling Tournament in New York City. Sam Rachmann promoted the tournament with the goal of

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Dan McLeod Wrestles “Baserritarrak” Erredurak

dan mcleod

Urriaren On 26, 1897, Martin “Farmer” Burns defended his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship against Scottish catch wrestler Dan McLeod. Burns and McLeod were two of the top three or four catch-as-catch-can wrestlers in the United States at the time. 1,200 fans attended the match held at the Grand Opera House in Indianapolis, Indiana. Promoters often put a mat or heavy

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George Tragos, the Original Crippler


George Tragos gained fame as the trainer of Lou Thesz, the dominant National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion of the 1950s and early 1960s. Tragos, bat 1920 Olympian for his native Greece, possessed an impeccable resume in legitimate wrestling. Born March 14, 1901, in Messinia, Greece, Tragos won national wrestling titles before representing Greece at the 1920 Olympics at only

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Wladek Zbyszko Divorces


At the end of 1932, 22-year-old Vila Milli sued her husband, professional wrestler Wladek Zbyszko, for divorce alleging physical cruelty and adultery. Milli charged the 41-year-old Zbyszko with physical cruelty for “hugging her too hard.” Justice Dunne of the Brooklyn Supreme Court heard the divorce case. He expressed doubt that Zbyszko abused his wife. Hala ere, he did not dismiss the

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Evan Lewis Launches Pro Career


While researching the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship (1881 – 1922), I discovered Evan “Strangler” Lewis’ early matches in Montana. Prior to researching this topic, I thought Lewis started his career by winning a 64-man wrestling tournament in Montana during 1882. Hala ere, Lewis did not win the tournament. In May 1882, Lewis wrestled in a Cornish wrestling tournament

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Gotch vs. Zbyszko Now Available


Frank Gotch dominated American wrestling from 1905 to his retirement in 1913. Gotch, the current American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, won the biggest match of his career on April 3, 1908. Gotch defeated current World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Georg Hackenschmidt in Chicago, Illinois. Gotch proved as dominant a World Champion as he had been as the American Champion. Gotch agreed to

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