McLeod Wrestles George Baptiste

dan mcleod

Dan McLeod je oktobra premagal Martina "Farmerja" Burnsa za naslov ameriškega prvaka v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji 1897. McLeod je imel prvenstvo štiri leta, dokler ni srečal najtežjega nasprotnika Franka Gotcha, Tom Jenkins. In early 1899, McLeod je v Minnesoti nekaj ubranil naslova. On February 24, 1899, McLeod se je boril s St. Louis srednji rokoborski prvak George Baptiste v dvorani Conover spredaj

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Promoting Wrestling


Profesionalna rokoborba se je iz zakonitih tekmovanj razvila v atletsko razstavo iz dveh razlogov. I have written extensively about the first reason. Legitimate contests between equally skilled wrestlers were often long, boring affairs with little action. These contests turned off fans and prevented professional wrestling exploding as a spectator sport. I have not written as much about the second reason. The

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Lewis Wins American Title


Prior to wrestling in Kentucky in the early 1910s, wrestling fans knew Ed “Strangler” Lewis as Bob Fredrichs. Born Robert Friedrich in Nekoosa, Wisconsin, Lewis made his professional wrestling debut in 1905, while still only 14 stara leta. Kentucky promoters thought Bob Fredrichs too plain, so Lewis chose his new name as an homage to fellow Wisconsin native and original

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Big Man Too Much for Jenkins


Maja 7, 1901, Tom Jenkins se je v New Yorku boril z velikanko Nouralah Hassan. Born in Bulgaria during 1870, Hassan stood six feet, eight inches tall and weighed 331 funtov. While Jenkins possessed superior wrestling skill, fans and reporters expected Hassan’s immense size to present problems for Jenkins. Promoters booked the men to wrestle at Madison Square Garden in

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Dan McLeod Wrestles “Kmet” Burns

dan mcleod

Oktobra 26, 1897, Martin “Farmer” Burns defended his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship against Scottish catch wrestler Dan McLeod. Burns and McLeod were two of the top three or four catch-as-catch-can wrestlers in the United States at the time. 1,200 fans attended the match held at the Grand Opera House in Indianapolis, Indiana. Promoters often put a mat or heavy

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George Tragos, Original Crippler


George Tragos je zaslovel kot trener Lou Thesza, prevladujoči svetovni prvak National Wrestling Alliance v težki kategoriji iz 1950-ih in zgodnjih 1960-ih. pijače, a 1920 Olimpijec za svojo rodno Grčijo, imel brezhiben življenjepis v zakoniti rokoborbi. Rojen marca 14, 1901, v Mesiniji, Grčija, Tragos je osvojil državne naslove v rokoborbi, preden je zastopal Grčijo na tekmovanju 1920 samo olimpijske igre

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Wladek Zbyszko Divorces

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At the end of 1932, 22-year-old Vila Milli sued her husband, professional wrestler Wladek Zbyszko, for divorce alleging physical cruelty and adultery. Milli charged the 41-year-old Zbyszko with physical cruelty for “hugging her too hard.” Justice Dunne of the Brooklyn Supreme Court heard the divorce case. He expressed doubt that Zbyszko abused his wife. Vendar, he did not dismiss the

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Evan Lewis začne profesionalno kariero


Med raziskovanjem zgodovine ameriškega prvenstva v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji (1881 – 1922), Odkril sem zgodnje tekme Evana "Davitelja" Lewisa v Montani. Pred raziskovanjem te teme, Mislil sem, da je Lewis svojo kariero začel z zmago na turnirju v rokoborbi s 64 moškimi v Montani med 1882. Vendar, Lewis turnirja ni zmagal. In May 1882, Lewis se je boril na turnirju v rokoborbi Cornish

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Gotch vs. Zbyszko zdaj na voljo


Frank Gotch je dominiral v ameriški rokoborbi od 1905 do svoje upokojitve v 1913. Gotch, trenutni ameriški prvak v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji, aprila zmagal na največji tekmi v karieri 3, 1908. Gotch je v Chicagu premagal aktualnega svetovnega prvaka v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji Georga Hackenschmidta, Illinois. Gotch se je izkazal za enako dominantnega svetovnega prvaka, kot je bil kot ameriški prvak. Gotch agreed to

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