“Kmet” Burns postavi celotno noč

Tex Rickard je napovedal vojno svojemu nekdanjemu boksarskemu promocijskemu partnerju

V 1899, Martin “Kmet” Burns je prehajal v vlogo rokoborca ​​s krajšim delovnim časom in rednega trenerja. Eden njegovih najbolj znanih učencev bi bil Frank Gotch, ki ga je Burns premagal teden dni po tem dvoboju. Burns je bil 38 let in je dve leti prej izgubil naslov ameriškega prvaka v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji. Burns je v zelo naporni decembrski noči združil obe vlogi

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top-deset-legitimni-boroborec-platnica knjige

top-deset-legitimni-boroborec-platnica knjige

Kdo je največji zakoniti profesionalni rokoborec v Združenih državah? Kako ga določite, ko rokoborci “worked” ali sodelovali med seboj na tekmah od nastanka športa v šestdesetih letih 19. stoletja? . Pregledal sem zapise in zgodbe okoli Američana, britanski, poljski, in turški rokoborci, ki se je v ZDA boril med 1870 in 1915

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Pat O'Shocker zavrača dvoboj


William Hayes Shaw, ki se je večino svoje rokoborske kariere boril kot Pat O'Shocker, v središču pozornosti znašel v 1933. O’Shocker wasn’t looking for this sort of fame though. Newspapers were carrying a story about how wrestling promoters tried to use O’Shocker in a planned double-cross. Joseph “Toots” Mondt booked wrestlers out of New York and was aligned with

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Jim Browning Campaigns in Tennessee


V 1933, about 10 years into his wrestling career, Jim Browning would win the world title. Starting his career in Kansas and his home state of Missouri, Browning would have to leave these familiar grounds, if he intended to reach the highest pinnacle in professional wrestling. Because World Champions had to tour nationally, and often internationally, the world title was

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More Beating Than Shoot

top-deset-legitimni-boroborec-platnica knjige

I’ve written in the past that Fall Guys: The Barnums of Bounce by Marcus Griffin is a problematic source. Medtem ko ima Griffin insajdersko znanje zaradi svojega časa v promocijski pisarni Buffalo v tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, knjigo je napisal z namenom maščevanja promotorjem, ki so ga odpustili. Knjiga vsebuje dejanske podatke, pomešane z zanimivimi

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Jim Londos naredi svoj pečat


In the early 1920s, Christos Theofilu se je začel boriti kot Jim Londos po nekaj letih, ko je bil trik “Borbeni mavčar”. Londos se verjetno ni zavedal, da bo sprememba imena prvi korak k temu, da postane največja blagajniška atrakcija v profesionalni rokoborbi iz 1930-ih.. Drugi korak je bil njegov nastop kot glavni rokoborec v St. Louis. Rojen v

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Eustace Wrestles The Champ

alan-eustace-leta 1922

Julija 4, 1922, Alan Eustace je dobil strel proti svetovnemu prvaku v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji Edu “Strangler” Lewis. Eustace, prvak Kansasa, zmagal kvalifikacijski tekmi z “Kmet” Bailey marca 1922 da bi se uvrstil na tekmo z Lewisom. 31-letni Eustace je bil iste starosti kot “Strangler” Lewis, vendar je bil Lewis veliko bolj izkušen. Debitiral pri 14 let,

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Pro Wrestling’s Bad Reputation


Since its emergence as a spectator sport in the second half of the 19th Century, promoters and wrestlers were under a cloud of suspicion that they were working their matches. While professional wrestling would eventually consist almost exclusively of staged exhibitions, many, if not most, of the matches were legitimate contest prior to 1915. Promoters and wrestlers went to great

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Renato Gardini Arrives in 1915


In early 1915, Sam Rachmann promoted the New York International Wrestling Tournament with the intention of replacing retired World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. Rachmann believed no one could defeat Aleksander “Alex” Aberg, Rachmann’s handpicked successor to Gotch, in Greco-Roman wrestling. Rachmann’s challenge was catch-as-catch-can was the dominant wrestling style in America. To get around this challenge, Rachmann recruited international

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Browning Campaigns in Kansas


V 1922, future World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Jim Browning began his career in Kansas. Browning moved from his hometown of Verona, Missouri in 1921 to train for a professional wrestling career. Tom Law, the Wichita, Kansas promoter, oversaw Browning’s training. By May 1923, Browning was already in the main event at smaller shows. On an Augusta, Kansas card, Browning wrestled

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