Frank Moellenberg (1891 – 1941)


Мојот очув, Ернест C. Дијаз, raised me, so I included his family in my genealogical research. Сепак, Dad’s father, Џозеф Дијаз, emigrated from Mexico and his mother Marie Moellenberg was a first generation American born to German immigrants. Finding information on his family has not been easy. We know Joseph’s father was Ulalio Diaz and his mother’s birth name was

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John Moellenberg (1861 – 1942)


John Moellenberg was born in Germany on March 30, 1861. Sometime prior to 1890, John Moellenberg married Adele Barmann. They welcomed their first son, Frank Moellenberg, on August 30, 1891. Во 1893, Џон, Adele and Frank immigrated to the United States and settled in St. Louis. John and Adele had more children after coming to St. Louis. Henry Moellenberg was

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Downside of Being Family Historian


Sometimes when you are researching the family history, you get an unpleasant shock. I was researching my stepdad Ernest C. Diaz’s family history in the Library of Congress database. Dad did not know much about the Moellenburgs, so I have been trying to find more information on them. While the discovery was significant, it was also a bit depressing. Dad’s

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Во сеќавање на Ернест C. Дијаз, 1932-2008


Мојот очув, Ернест C. Дијаз, е роден во Санкт. Louis, МО во саботата, Мај 21, 1932. Тоа беше истиот ден Амелија Ерхарт стана првата жена да се премине на Атлантскиот Океан во авион. Ми беше најмало од петте деца на Џозеф (Јозеф) Дијаз и Мари Дијаз Moellenberg. Dad said the family did not have a lot

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Џозеф Дијаз збор за Свети. Луис во 1917


Joseph (Јозеф) Дијаз беше мојот очув, Ернест C. Татко Дијаз е. Ерни или тато бил син на Јосиф и Марија Дијаз мом Moellenberg. Joseph was a first generation immigrant from San Miguel de Allende, Мексико. Јосиф е роден на мај 12, 1893. Според неговата посмртница, неговите родители биле Ulalio (Eulalio) Diaz and Betty Diaz nee Ramiro. I have

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