Eugene agosto Johann Peter (1908 – 1969)


Eugene “Xene” Agosto Johannpeter naceu en maio 20, 1908, para Julius e Bertha Johannpeter. Era o segundo fillo do tío Xulio e tía Bertha. O seu irmán maior era Julius “Punks” William Johannpeter, Jr, que voou o correo de Lambert Field, xunto con Charles Lindbergh. “Punks” was seven years older than Gene. O meu avó, Gilbert P. Ellis, lived

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Julius Johannpeter (1875-1961)


Julius “Uncle Jules” Johannpeter was born in St. Charles, MO on March 5, 1875 to recent German immigrants Frederick William Johannpeter and Johanna Johannpeter nee Grieve. “Uncle Jules” was seven years older than his sister Caroline Leah “Sotavento” Johannpeter, my great grandmother. When Lee’s husband William Ellis died in 1917, Lee had the challenge of raising her two-year-old son Gilbert as a single

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Marie H. “Babe” Johannpeter Kimker


Marie H. “Babe” Johannpeter was born in St. Louis, Missouri on June 17, 1903. “Babe” was the second child and first daughter born to my second great-uncle Julius “Uncle Jules” Johannpeter and his wife Bertha Johannpeter nee Horst. My grandfather Gilbert Ellis spent a lot of his time with Uncle Jules family, while he was growing up. Grandpa Ellis’ father

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Eduard Mosblech (1884 – 1956)


Eduard Mosblech is my maternal great-grandfather. Eduard was born in St. Louis, Missouri on October 24, 1884, to German immigrants Gustave Mosblech and Bertha Mosblech nee Monse. Moitas veces escríbese como Edward, pero pronúnciase como unir axuda e pupilo, Eduard was as unique as his name. Eu loitei para escribir moito sobre el porque as historias que escoitei sobre el

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Herman Johannpeter (1878 – 1921)


When I started researching the family history, I only knew about two of my great-grandmother Caroline “Sotavento” Ellis’ nee Johannpeter’s siblings. My grandfather told me a lot about his Uncle “Viga”, Julius Johannpeter. Grandpa lived with Uncle Jules from the time he left Missouri Military Academy in 1932 until he married my grandmother, Alvina Ellis nee Mosblech in 1938. Avó

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