Parker Zimmerman და Tornado of 1949

პარკერი კატასთან ერთად

ჩემი დიდი ბაბუა Parker იყო მსხვერპლი ერთ ერთი ყველაზე დიდი სტიქიური უბედურებების მოხვდა Cape Girardeau, MO, the 1949 tornado. იგი მოხვდა ქალაქის შაბათი, მაისი 21, 1949 at 06:54 p.m. By 7:00 საათზე, Parker Zimmerman იყო მკვდარი 74 წლის ასაკიდან. I always found my great grandfather interesting because he led such a varied life

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In Memory of Ernest C. Diaz, 1932-2008

დედა-მამა-ივლისი 9-2005

My stepfather, Ernest C. Diaz, დაიბადა წმინდა. Louis, MO on Saturday, მაისი 21, 1932. It was the same day Amelia Earhart became the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane. Dad was the youngest of five children born to Joseph (Josef) Diaz and Marie Moellenberg Diaz. Dad said the family did not have a lot

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Joseph Diaz Comes to St. ლუი 1917


Joseph (Josef) Diaz was my stepfather, Ernest C. Diaz’s father. Ernie or Dad was the son of Joseph and Marie Diaz nee Moellenberg. Joseph was a first generation immigrant from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Joseph was born on May 12, 1893. According to his death certificate, his parents were Ulalio (Eulalio) Diaz and Betty Diaz nee Ramiro. I have

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Mom’s Recollections of Her Grandma

დიდი ბაბუის-ellis

My Grandpa used to tell me that Mom and Great Grandma were close. Great Grandma could be very stubborn, so Grandpa used to send Mom to talk to her about going to the doctor, სხვა. I will let Mom tell you about her grandmother in her own words. Caroline better known as Lee was a woman before her time. In

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Caroline Leah “Lee” Ellis


ჩემი დიდი ბებია, Caroline Leah “Lee” Ellis nee Johannpeter დაიბადა ფრედერიკ უილიამ აგვისტო Johannpeter, 1839 – 1903, იოანნა Grieve, 1843 – უცნობია, წმინდა. ჩარლზ, MO ივნისს 13, 1881. ის იყო მეორე ყველაზე ახალგაზრდა ექვსი ძმა, Gustav, Anna, Amalia “Mary”, Julius “Stud” და ჩარლზ ფრედერიკ. Great Grandma was said to be a very strong-willed person.

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Who Was W. P. Ellis?

დიდი ბაბუის-ellis

უილიამ P. Ellis იყო ჩემი დიდი ბაბუა. სამწუხაროდ,, იგი გარდაიცვალა, როდესაც ჩემი ბაბუა, Gilbert P. Ellis, was only two years old. ჩემი დიდი ბებია არ ვიცი ბევრად შესახებ William ოჯახი. The actual information Grandpa had on him was sparse, so William was the real mystery man in the family history up until 2006 ან 2007. Grandpa had a

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