Russian Lion Defeats Terrible Turk


Larunbatean, Urtarrila 30, 1904, George Hackenschmidt defended his Greco-Roman World Wrestling Championship against Ahmed Medrali. “Errusiako Lehoia” garaitzeko behar litzateke “Terrible Turk” bere txapelketan atxikitzen. Etxeak aukeratutako Medrali erraldoia, duten 6 amaitu da’02” eta 224 libera, itxuraz invencible Hackenschmidt garaitzeko. George Hackenschmidt koa izan bakarrik 5’09” altuerako eta pisatu 209 libera. Despite his smaller

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Henry Moses Dufur Oroitzapenak


Henry Moses Dufur-ek munduko pisu astuneko lepoko eta ukondoko borroka txapelduna izan zuen 1870eko hamarkadan.. Arabera 1855, Dufur borroka profesionaletik erretiratu zen bere lanaldi osoko arropa jostun lanbidean aritzeko. Nahiz eta bere borroka karreran zehar, Dufur jostun lanetan aritu zen. Dufur-ek The Boston Globeko berriemaileari esan zion Richforden jaio zela, Vermont ekainean 5, 1943. Data hau

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Masked Marvel Throws Berner


Wrestling promoter Samuel Rachman created the International Wrestling Tournament in Spring 1915 to highlight the abilities of Aleksander “Alex” Aberg. Aberg was the Russian Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion. Rachman believed Aberg could beat any wrestler. Rachman also wanted to lure Frank Gotch, the last undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, out of retirement to wrestle with Aberg. Gotch wrestled George Lurich in

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Nola hil zen Alex Aberg?


hastea erabaki nuen 2020 Borroka profesionaleko bi adibide erabiliz, iraganean idatzi zenuen kontu historiko bat zergatik aldatuko zenukeen eztabaidatzeko. Historia idaztean, gaiari buruzko eskuragarri dauden iturriek mugatuta zaude. Egunkariak bezalako iturri nagusiak, erregistro ofizialak eta autobiografiak oso baliotsuak dira. Egunkariak bezalako beste iturri batzuk ere onak dira baina

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Masked Marvel To The Rescue


Samuel Rachmann promoted the International Wrestling Tournament in New York during 1915. Rachmann invited wrestlers from around the world to the tournament but his real intention was to establish European Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion Alex Aberg as the successor to the retired Frank Gotch as World Champion. Rachmann’s plan for establishing Aberg was going as planned after the tournament kicked off

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Belief No Longer Suspended


Abenduaren on 14, 1915, the International Wrestling Tournament was coming to a close. A featured match revealed promoter Samuel Rachmann was manipulating outcomes to keep interest in his tournament. After the wrestling public lost complete interest in the tournament during its opening few months in the spring, Rachmann introduced one of the most successful gimmicks in professional wrestling history. Rachmann

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Thiebaud Bauer Denies Worked Matches in 1876


Thiebaud or Theobald Bauer was a French wrestler, who specialized in Greco-Roman wrestling. Bauer arrived in America during 1875 with a dubious claim to the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. He would defend his title for 5 years until defeated by William Muldoon in 1880. If wrestling fans are familiar with Bauer at all, it is normally as the opponent

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Lurich Throws Losson


Georg Lurich made his reputation as a professional wrestler competing in European Greco-Roman wrestling tournaments. When Lurich travelled to the United States to ply his trade, he made the transition to catch-as-catch-can wrestling, the dominant style outside of Europe. Lurich adapted well to this style and earned a shot at the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, Frank Gotch, in Gotch’s last

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Belgikako alemaniar Wrestler Nose Bloodies


Maiatzaren On 21, 1915, Nazioarteko Borroka Txapelketan New Yorken hasi zen. Samuel Rachman gertaera bultzatutako Europar greko-erromatar Borroka txapelduna Alek Aberg erakuts modu bat bezala. Rachman sinetsi Aberg Munduko Borroka txapelduna Frank Gotch oinordeko naturala zen, duten erretiratu 1913. Txapelketa lehen egunean, nationalistic feelings about World War I popped up

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Terrible Turk’s Horrible Foul of Roeber


Ernest Roeber was an accomplished Greco-Roman wrestler. William Muldoon, the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion from 1880 arte 1889, wanted Roeber to take over from him as World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Hala ere, the world title would continue to be disputed until George Hackenschmidt won several Greco-Roman Tournaments in Europe during 1901. Yusuf Ismail, the Terrible Turk, horietako bat kontsideratu zen

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