William Muldoon, Physical Culture Legend

whistler et muldoon-

Primum quod scriptum est in vita Ioannis Muldoon Willelmo L. Sullivan, ultimum uero nudum tesseras heavyweight. Sullivan ushered in gloved boxing by refusing to take part in any more bare knuckle bouts. Peperitque maior incedit melior Novissima autem factum est per talos ad Jake Kilrain in Sullivan 1889. Odds were against Sullivan, a binge drinker indulging heavily between bouts. Fuit

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Hackenschmidt Tours St. Ludovicus in 1905


In May 9, 1905 edition of St. Louis Republic’s sport section contained a story about an upcoming match between local wrestler George Baptiste and the touring World Wrestling Champion, George Hackenschmidt. The paper did not give Baptiste a chance against Hackenschmidt, ut, qui ceciderunt in Mundus Championship Lorem Jenkins. Si autem sciebat editor “Fragor eius” Status quo, he may have

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Hack and What It Takes To Be Great


George Hackenschmidt (1877-1968) mundo erat, et mundus weightlifter memoria tenebat, ante Heavyweight palaestrica Champion colluctationis praemissa sunt, et per lifters steroids. Debitum ad plures factores gradu dignitatis consecutus Hackenschmidt. Debent altam acquireret. His physical condition allowed him to be the most successful wrestler of his era. A few wrestlers may have been

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