A Tale of Two Neuaddau Turnvereine


Mae tynged llawer o St. Louis’ adeiladau hanesyddol brofi'r hen ddywediad ystad go iawn. Mae hyn i gyd am leoliad, Lleoliad, Lleoliad. Os yw'r adeilad yn y De St. Louis, mae ganddo well siawns o gael ei arbed na adeilad ar y Ochr y Gogledd. The same could be said for buildings located in the center of the city except

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Theodore Roosevelt Wins 6 States in 1912


After Theodore Roosevelt won reelection in his own right during November 1904, TR impetuously announced he would not run for another term. His inner circle, particularly his wife Edith, would think the decision a mistake. Fodd bynnag,, once Theodore Roosevelt made a pronouncement, he intended to keep his word. Dewisodd Roosevelt ei Ysgrifennydd Rhyfel a chyn-Lywodraethwr y Phillipines

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