Wire Thieves Kill Policeman

ماكينا-عنوان رئيسي

Before Friday, أبريل 7, 1916, was over, the Lewis brothers would kill two St. ضباط الشرطة لويس, John McKenna and William Dillon. McKenna was the first to fall, when he interrupted the brothers attempts to steal wire, سلعة ثمينة خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى. The brothers would kill Dillon, while he investigated McKenna’s murder. سانت. Louis Police Department assigned

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Deadliest Night for St. لويس الشرطة


The deadliest incident in St. Louis Police history was not a shootout, natural disaster, or act of terrorism. The deadliest incident in St. Louis Police history occurred on the night of Monday, سبتمبر 3, 1900. Electricity was the assailant as a power line with 3300 volts of electricity fell onto the telephone lines, at Eight Street and Carr Avenue. ال

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ال 1953 Great St. سرقة لويس البنك


يوم الجمعة, أبريل 24, 1953, three men and a getaway driver tried to rob the Southwest Bank on the corner of Southwest Avenue and S. Kingshighway بوليفارد في شارع. لويس, MO. سانت. أحبطت الشرطة لويس السرقة, الذي أصبح محور 1959 فيلم, سانت العظمى. سرقة لويس البنك. الفيلم هو الآن في المجال العام. Fred W.

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