قهر تشوب تريل


يوم الاثنين, نوفمبر 13, 2023, لقد حققت هدفًا رئيسيًا عندما تجولت على طول مسار Chubb Trail بالكامل, ذهابا وإيابا 13.6 درب ميل في غرب سانت. لويس مقاطعة. استغرقت الرحلة سبع ساعات وثلاثين دقيقة. عندما كان ابني الأكبر "تري" يكمل متطلبات الميدالية الذهبية للإنجاز في رويال رينجرز, مقابل

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تمت ترقيته إلى 4th دان

تم منحها 4th-Dan-on-Januape-31st-2012

يوم الخميس, يناير 31, 2020, روج لي Grandmaster Pat Weseman إلى Dan الرابع في Taekwondo في الفصل المتقدم. عندما بدأت دروسًا مع Grandmaster Weseman وزوجها الفن, لم أتوقع الوصول إلى هذا المعلم. بدأت في الأصل في أخذ دروس مع ابن أخي جيم في الربيع 1995. بعد الزواج في 1996, توقفت عن أخذ دروس لعدة

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الحادي و. Francis de Sales Dedicated in 1908

كنيسة سانت فرانسيس دي سيلز

نوفمبر 1908, three bishops and an abbot dedicated St. Francis de Sales Church, “the Cathedral of South St. لويس”. Built to serve the growing German Catholic population in St. لويس, the huge church would become the home to many families including my great grandparents, إدوارد وماغدالينا Mosblech, and their 14 الأطفال. سانت. كرست أبرشية لويس الكنيسة

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Scratch One Off The Bucket List


Last Monday, I was able to scratch a big item off my bucket list. I attended a Liverpool Football Club game in person. Liverpool FC came to my hometown of St. لويس, Missouri on August 1, 2016 to play a preseason game with AS Roma. My daughter Caity attended the match with me, which made the day extra special. أنا

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I Hope She Doesn’t Want Parole

زفافنا 27 يوليو 1996

اليوم, Tam and I will be married twenty years. للأسف, life in Missouri is 20 سنوات, so I hope she doesn’t want to apply for parole. I’m hoping she decides to keep me around for a few more years. على يوليو 27, 1996, Tam, my mother and sisters prepared the clubhouse for our wedding later that afternoon. لقد احتفظوا بحكمة

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تمرير الشعلة,en

تري لي المتداول

This week my oldest son Kenneth turns 19 سنة. Besides finishing school, Kenneth’s biggest focus is the martial arts. He is particularly passionate about teaching self-defense. Over the years, I have trained 14 nieces and nephews plus all three of my children in the martial arts. الاسبوع الماضى, the first member of the third generation started with us. To

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Caleb Gets a Job

كينيث كالب وأنا

مؤخرا, my youngest son Caleb obtained his first job at a local fast food restaurant. I was proud of him because Caleb decided he wanted a job, filled out a number of applications and obtained a job close to the house. Caleb found the job to be a good fit because of the location and working environment. إنه مثير للاهتمام

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Happy Birthday, جدة!

عيد ميلاد الجدة إليس

Yesterday, my maternal grandmother Alvina M. Ellis nee Mosblech would have been 100 سنة. Born in St. لويس, Missouri on May 15, 1916, Grandma was the seventh of fourteen children. She married an only child in 1938 and they would have two children, my mom and Aunt Maureen. كان للجدة تأثير كبير علي وعلى أخواتي بسبب ذلك

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Being a Dad and Coach


في مايو 7, 2016, my daughter Caity returned to Taekwondo competition for the first time in eight years. As her dad but also her coach, I tried to dissuade her from sparring until we had a few more months but she was adamant about sparring at the tournament. Caity likes forms but she always preferred sparring. Reluctantly, I agreed. أنا

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Things Come Full Circle


وقبل أسابيع قليلة, my second foray into the martial arts came full circle. My daughter started studying Taekwondo again after more than five years away from the sport. It is actually Caity, who brought me back to martial arts in the summer of 2000. After my natural father passed away in July 1999, ذهبت إلى اللياقة البدنية لمدة عام

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