Epizod 47 – London vs. Carnera

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https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/4gvdnq/Episode_477tfz4.mp3Podcast: Yeni pəncərədə Play | DownloadIn this episode, biz Jim Londos və Primo Carneranın karyeralarını nəzərdən keçirməyə aparan müzakirə edirik 1950 güləş yarışı. Yeniləmə Biz qeyd cədvəlimiz haqqında yeniləmə ilə başlayırıq. Komandadan biri zədəli ehtiyatdadır, ona görə də biz növbəti bir neçə epizod üçün Skype-da qeyd edəcəyik.

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McVea Matsuda-nı KO-ya qoyur


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Epizod 43 – Mixed Bout


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Jeffries Ceksonu KO-ya vurur


James J. Jeffries dominated American heavyweight boxing from 1899 qədər 1904. After winning the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship from Bob Fitzsimmons in 1899, Jeffries made 9 successful title defenses during the next five years. He retired undefeated in 1905 before be lured back for an ill-fated comeback against the great Jack Johnson. Jeffries didn’t win his bouts with superior boxing

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Ketchel Saves Himself


Cümə günü, Iyun 10, 1910, World Middleweight Boxing Champion Stanley Ketchel fought his last fight against unheralded Jim Smith. Ketchel has cleared out the middleweight division, so boxing promoters struggled to find suitable competition for Ketchel. Yalnız 24 dək təvəllüd, Ketchel lived hard and fought constantly causing an early breakdown of his body. After fighting Smith, Ketchel intended to

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Big Match Falls Through


In March 1893, newspapers across the country carried the story of a proposed match between current world light heavyweight boxing champion Jack McAuliffe and Saint Louis boxing instructor Mike Mooney. Although the match would seem odd because Mooney was such a lightly regarded challenger, the lure of $2500 a side is probably what brought the champion to the table. Adjusted

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Fitz Dethrones Corbett in 1897


Martın 17, 1897, current World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Corbett entered the boxing ring at Carson City, Nevada. Corbett faced the challenge of former middleweight boxing champion Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett entered as the favorite enjoying both an almost twenty pound weight advantage and slick boxing skills. “Ruddy Robert” as Fitzsimmons was sometimes known won the World Middleweight Boxing Championship in

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Acton Fitzsimmons güləşir


Cümə günü, Noyabr 27, 1891, Keçmiş Amerika Ağır çəkidə güləş çempionu Co Acton San-Fransiskoda gələcək ağır çəkidə boks üzrə dünya çempionu Bob Fitzsimmonsla güləşib., California. Kişilər bir hesabat üçün güləşdilər $1,000.00 purse. Acton adətən rəqibinə ölçüdən imtina edirdi, lakin Acton 148 kiloluq Fitzsimmons-u yeddi funt üstələyirdi.. Kişilər tutduqca tuta bilməyən güləşə görə üçdən ikisi yıxılma görüşündə güləşdilər.

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Burns Beats Hart for Heavyweight Title


On February 23, 1906, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Marvin Hart defended his title in Los Angeles. When James J. Jeffries retired as heavyweight champion, Hart and Jack Sharkey fought for the vacant title. Hart was the surprise winner of the fight. Hart refused to fight Jack Johnson, the recognized best heavyweight. Instead he fought Tommy Burns, a 5’07” skilled boxer.

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