Dempsey KOs Carpentier


Iulie 2, 1921 în Jersey City, New Jersey, Domneasca mondial la categoria grea box campion Jack Dempsey cu lumina rege box la categoria grea Georges Carpentier. Fanii s-au înghesuit la box eveniment care rezultă în prima poarta de milioane de dolari în istoria boxului. Meciul se va dovedi vechea zicală box, “Un om bun mare bate întotdeauna un om cuminte.” Even though Georges Carpentier

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Jeffries KOs Corbett


La data de 11, 1900, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Jeffries fought his former employer James J. Corbett. Corbett held the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship in the early 1890s. Corbett hired the powerfully built Jeffires to help him prepare for his title challengers. Jeffries went on to win the world title from the man, who beat Corbett, Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett

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Ketchel Saves Himself


Vineri, Iunie 10, 1910, World Middleweight Boxing Champion Stanley Ketchel fought his last fight against unheralded Jim Smith. Ketchel has cleared out the middleweight division, so boxing promoters struggled to find suitable competition for Ketchel. La doar 24 ani, Ketchel lived hard and fought constantly causing an early breakdown of his body. After fighting Smith, Ketchel intended to

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Fitz Dethrones Corbett in 1897

bob fitzsimmons

La martie 17, 1897, current World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Corbett entered the boxing ring at Carson City, Nevada. Corbett faced the challenge of former middleweight boxing champion Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett entered as the favorite enjoying both an almost twenty pound weight advantage and slick boxing skills. “Ruddy Robert” as Fitzsimmons was sometimes known won the World Middleweight Boxing Championship in

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Ketchel Fights Light Heavy Champ


1909 saw Stanley Ketchel continue his torrid pace through all the top fighters around the middleweight limit. In March 1909, Ketchel faced a rare challenge, when he fought reigning World Light Heavyweight Champion Philadelphia Jack O’Brien. O’Brien was a slick boxer, who used his speed and elusiveness to pummel Ketchel in the early rounds. Despite O’Brien’s size advantage, Ketchel was

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Rudy Robert primește primul titlu

bob fitzsimmons

Bob “Rudy Robert” Fitzsimmons a fost un boxer englez, care a câștigat la categoria medie incontestabilă, campionatele mondiale la categoria grea și la categoria semigrea, la începutul secolului al XX-lea. Adeseori confundat cu un australian pentru că și-a început cariera de box acolo, Fitzsimmons a călătorit în Statele Unite în 1890 să militeze pentru campionatul la categoria mijlocie. Fitzsimmons stătea chiar sub 6 feet tall but

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Jeffries KOs Jackson


James J. Jeffries dominated American heavyweight boxing from 1899 la 1904. After winning the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship from Bob Fitzsimmons in 1899, Jeffries made 9 successful title defenses during the next five years. He retired undefeated in 1905 before be lured back for an ill-fated comeback against the great Jack Johnson. Jeffries didn’t win his bouts with superior boxing

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Ad Wolgast Wins Lightweight Title


Marți, Februarie 22, 1910, Ad Wolgast challenged World Lightweight Boxing Champion Battling Nelson for Nelson’s title at Richmond Arena in Point Richmond, California. The 28-year-old Nelson won the title by knocking out the great Joe Gans in 1908. Boxing experts did not expect Wolgast to defeat Nelson even though Wolgast held a newspaper decision over Nelson in 1909. Pundits

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Peter Jackson se luptă cu Frank Slavin


Luni, Mai 30, 1892, the great Peter Jackson boxed a gloved bout with former protégé Frank Slavin. Ambii bărbați au trăit și au luptat în Australia, deși interesul fanilor l-a determinat pe Jackson să facă turnee în lume pentru a profita de oportunitățile financiare din Statele Unite și Anglia. Ca și în Australia, Jackson a găsit adesea boxeri albi care nu sunt dispuși să lupte cu el. Few

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Abe Attell Înfrângeri Forbes


St. Louis, at the beginning of the 20th Century, had a prominent professional boxing scene. Abe Attell, although born in San Francisco, was based in St. Louis. On February 1, 1904, Attell defended his World Featherweight Boxing Championship against frequent rival Harry Forbes. Forbes was also a regular on the St. Louis boxing scene. Forbes defeated Danny Dougherty for the

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