Mae Attell yn Amddiffyn yn Erbyn Reagan


Yn ystod ei rediad cyntaf fel Pencampwr Bocsio Pwysau Pwysau'r Byd, Roedd Abe Attell wedi'i leoli allan o St.. Louis, Missouri. Ar wahân i gael ei wersyll yn St.. Louis, Amddiffynnodd Attell ei deitl sawl gwaith yn St.. Louis’ Clwb Athletau West End. At the time, St. Louis oedd y ddinas fwyaf i'r gorllewin o Afon Mississippi yn yr Unol Daleithiau. Born Abraham Washington Attell

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Ketchel Starches Sullivan


Mike “Twin” Sullivan claimed the Welterweight World Boxing Championship, when he decisioned Honey Mellody in April 1907. Possessing both heavy hands and better than normal boxing skills, Sullivan claimed victories over the great Joe Gans and future Welterweight World Boxing Champion Harry Lewis during his career. Lewis won the welterweight title, when Sullivan could no longer make the 147 pound

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Big Match Falls Through


In March 1893, newspapers across the country carried the story of a proposed match between current world light heavyweight boxing champion Jack McAuliffe and Saint Louis boxing instructor Mike Mooney. Although the match would seem odd because Mooney was such a lightly regarded challenger, the lure of $2500 a side is probably what brought the champion to the table. Adjusted

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Oliver Kirk a 1904 St. Gemau Olympaidd Louis


Oliver Leonard Kirk sydd â'r fraint o fod yr unig bocsiwr Olympaidd i ennill medal aur mewn dau ddosbarth pwysau ar wahân yn yr un Gemau Olympaidd. Gyflawni Oliver Kirk camp hwn yn ei dref enedigol Gemau Olympaidd yn 1904. St. Cynnal Louis y trydydd Olympiad yn ystod y 1904 Dangosiad Ffair y Byd yn. Fel y Gemau Paris bedair blynedd cyn, St. Louis gave

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Jake Kilrain Boxes to a Draw


While famous for fighting John L. Sullivan in the last world championship prizefight contested under bare knuckle rules, Jake Kilrain also took part in many gloved bouts. Prizefighting was transitioning from bare knuckle rules to gloved bouts under the Marquess of Queensberry Rules (early amateur and professional boxing) in the late 19th Century. Like Sullivan, Kilrain would fight in major

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Sam Langford Fights the Dixie Kid

sam- langford

As I have written in several posts, the best heavyweight boxers between 1900 a 1919 were the African-American boxers forced to fight each other for theColored Championship”. Even after the great Jack Johnson finally broke the color line and won the World Heavyweight Championship, he would only defend the title against white contenders. O ganlyniad, the toughest challengers

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