Charlie Chan v šarlátovej stope (1945)
Scarlet Clue (1945) je piatym z jedenástich filmov Charlieho Chana Monogram Pictures vyrobených po tom, čo Twentieth-Century Fox zrušil sériu v r. 1942. Sidney Toler robil jedenásť filmov pre Twentieth-Century Fox pred prechodom na rad až Monogram. Potom, čo Toler zomrel v r 1947, Roland Winters took over the role for seven more films.
V tomto filme, Inspector Charlie Chan discovers a plan to steal the U.S. government’s newest radar plans. The plans are kept in the same office building, where several radio programs are produced. A couple of murders and a stolen car case may or may not be related to the plot to steal the government’s radar plans.
Inspector Chan is assisted in his investigations by No. 3 son Tommy Chan, played by Benson Fong, and Birmingham Brown, played by Mantan Moreland. Fong a Moreland často spolupracovali s Tolerom v sérii Monogram.
Benson Fong was born October 16, 1916 in Sacramento, Kalifornia. Fong debutoval vo filme koncom tridsiatych rokov minulého storočia a hral prevažne čínske a japonské postavy “B” filmy.
Však, Fong si koncom 40. rokov 20. storočia zahral v niekoľkých filmoch. Fong dostával lepšie úlohy až do svojho odchodu do dôchodku po skončení Kung Fu television series. Benson Fong otvoril niekoľko populárnych reštaurácií pred svojou smrťou na mozgovú príhodu 70 years of age on August 1, 1987.
This film (partnerský odkaz) runs approximately 65 minutes. Let me know what you think of this film.
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