Scarlet Pimpernel (1935)

Nilitaka kuandika kuhusu moja ya sinema favorite, Scarlet Pimpernel (1935). It is an adaptation of the novel by the same name, written by Baroness Orczy. filamu (affiliate kiungo) concerns an English peer, ambao hatari maisha yake kwa kuokoa aristocrats Kifaransa kutoka guillotine. The story is complicated by the fact the peer is married to a French woman, who was tricked into sending aristocrats to the guillotine.


Still from the Scarlet Pimpernel

Leslie Howard portrays the Englishman, Sir Percy BLAKENEY, and Merle Oberon plays his wife, Lady BLAKENEY, ambaye hajui mumewe ni nyekundu Pimpernel. Citizen Chauvelin, portrayed by Raymond Massey, arrives from France to discover the identity of the Pimpernel. Chauvelin tricked Lady Blakeney into betraying her friends in the past and attempts to get his clutches into her again by threatening her brother Armand’s safety. I enjoy this movie for a number of reasons.
1) Nini kuona ni nini kupata. The Pimpernel must use deception to successfully rescue the aristocrats so nothing is really as it seems. Wewe ni kuongozwa na kuamini jambo moja lakini kujua mwingine katika mwisho wa filamu.
2) kaimu ni superb. Badala moja kati ya Sir Percy na Chauvelin, Sir Percy, ambao vitendo kama mmalidadi kwa kiasi wa filamu, wasomaji shairi kwamba yeye ameandika kuhusu Pimpernel na Chauvelin. Moja ya mistari ni “Frenchies wale kumtafuta kila mahali.” Chauvelin placidly anajibu, “Mimi kama ni, Sir Percy. Particularly that those ‘Frenchies seek him every where’ part.


Still from the Scarlet Pimpernel

3) It is brains over brawn. Although Sir Percy is capable of physically defending himself, but Sir Percy is successful because of his ability to out think the enemy. In one scene, wafuasi wake wanataka dhoruba ngome Kifaransa lakini Sir Percy anawaambia hatua hiyo atatoa yao haina maana. Wangeweza kushinda vita moja na kupoteza vita.

It is a great movie running just about 90 dakika. Wengi wa DVDs kuondoka nje ya eneo kati ya Sir Percy na ndugu-mkwe wake Armand, which is one of the keys to understanding Sir Percy and his motivation.

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