די ווילאַנאַס שאָטן (1933)

בעשאַס די גאָלדען אַגע פון ​​ראַדיאָ, די שאָטן איז אַ קרוסאַדינג פאַרברעכן פייטער געהייסן לאַמאָנט קראַנסטאָן. אין דעם 1933 ענגליש פילם געשאפן דורך רעאַל Arts פּראָדוקטיאָנס, די שאָטן איז אַ ווילאַנאַס רוצח און בלאַקקמאַילער. די פילם אָפּענס אַרויף מיט די שאָטן פאדערן צאָלונג פון אַ באַרימט אַדוואָקאַט.


Still from The Shadow (1933)

די שאָטן הבטחות צו ויסשטעלן די אַדוואָקאַט וואס קענען נישט באַצאָלן. Facing exposure and possible jail time, the lawyer reports the blackmail to Scotland Yard before taking his own life. One of Scotland Yard’s best detectives traps the Shadow but is killed during the struggle. After the death of a fellow police officer, Scotland Yard is more determined than ever to catch the mysterious figure.

Strangely, the pursuit leads to country home of Sir Richard Bryant, the police commissioner. Besides two stranded motorists, an author and his daughter, Sir Richard will give shelter to several of his policemen.

Detective Chief Inspector Fleming believes that he knows the identity of the Shadow. Fleming must catch the killer before he claims any more victims. Knowing that Fleming is close, the Shadow decides that Fleming will be his next victim.

How many detectives will die before the Shadow is captured?

I would categorize דעם פילם (affiliate link) as more of a “ב” film but an enjoyable one. דעם פילם לויפט בעערעך 70 מינוט.

What did you think of this film? Did you guess the identity of the Shadow? You can leave a comment or ask a question about this or any post on my פאַסעבאָאָק בלאַט און טוויטטער פּראָפיל.

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