Wabash lapurreta segurua

Gau hotza batean, Urtarrila 9, 1915, Sgt. Michael Gibbons stepped off the westbound Delmar owl streetcar about 3:00 a.m. Sgt. Gibbons walked towards the Wabash Railroad’s Delmar Station, which was in complete darkness. Gibbons belaunikatu eta bere gau-makila plataforman bildu zuen inguruko erasotzaileei berari salatzeko seinatzeko. Patrolman Arthur J. Saxyk gaueko makila entzun zuen eta aurrera joan zen ingurura.

Besides Patrolman Saxy, Gibbons rapping on the platform attracted the attention of two burglars preparing to blow the safe in the Wabash Delmar Station. Sgt. Gibbons ez zen konturatu geltokiaren barruan ezer gertatzen ari zela, berokia guztiz botoituta zegoelako, bere errebolberra iristea eragotziz. Sgt. Gibbons St.ko tiratzaile onenetako bat izan zen. Polizia Louis Metropolitan Saila. His buttoned coat would soon lead to a tragedy.


Photo of Sgt. Michael Gibbons from the January 9, 1915 St edizioa. Louis Post-hilabete

One of the men called for Sgt. Gibbons to throw up his hands. 73-year-old Phillip Koerper, lapurrek arma-puntan daukaten guardia bat, heard Sgt. Gibbons reply, “Beno, I guess not.”

Before Sgt. Gibbons could free his gun from inside his coat, the burglar shot Gibbons through his right arm into his heart. Gibbons died instantly and fell on the platform with his head hanging over the platform.

Patrolman Saxy was two blocks north at Clemens Avenue and the Wabash tracks. Tiroak entzun zituenean geltokirantz abiatu zen. Saxy ran towards the station. When he arrived, he initially did not see Sgt. Gibbons plataforman etzanda gau lainotsua baitzen.

Saxyk jaurtitzaileari aurre egin zion, who started a running gun battle with Saxy. As he ran around the station and shot at Saxy, the other burglar blew the safe with bullets flying around him. The burglar emptied the safe, buruz eusten zuena $4.00. As Saxy came back around the north side of the station, he found Sgt. Gibbons lying on the platform.

Saxyk Gibbons-en egiaztatu zuen, baina bistakoa zen hil zela. Saxy was overcome with grief as he worked for Sgt. Gibbons for several years. Saxyk gora begiratu eta miresten zuen Gibbons.

In the confusion caused by the discovery of Gibbons, the two burglars escaped running north from the station. It was the last time they would be seen as the burglars were never captured. In the years prior to the widespread use of fingerprints, gaizkileek herritik irtengo ziren horrelako gertakari baten ondoren eta beste nonbait jarriko ziren.


Wabash Railroad Delmar Station – Google Earth-en eskaintza

Chief of Police Young believed the men to be professional safecrackers or “yeggmen”. Youngek uste zuen tiroak Saxy apurketa segurutik urrundu zuen modu trebeari esker gizonak profesionalak zirela erakutsi zuela.. The other burglar blowing the safe, while a gunfight raged around him, gaizkile profesionalak ere erakutsiz.

60-year-old Michael F. Gibbons was laid to rest in Calvary Cemetery on January 11, 1915. Sgt. Gibbons left a widow and children.

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Sources: St. Louis Post-hilabete, Urtarrila 9, 1915, p.1 and January 10, 1915, p. 21. Missouri Death Certificate Database 1910-1965


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