Wayne Murder Case (1932)

Novembra 20, 1932, Monogram Pictures released A Strange Adventure (1932), better known today as the Wayne Murder Case. Wayne Murder Case is a much better name for the film. A wealthy businessman Silas Wayne has gathered his family for a preliminary reading of his will. Before the night is over, someone in the house kills Silas Wayne and begins terrorizing the family.


Dwight Frye (Public Domain)

Detective Sergeant Mitchell, played by Regis Toomey, attempts to solve the case. Local reporter “Nosey” Toodles, portrayed by June Clyde, alternates between getting in Mitchell’s way as he tries to get to the bottom of the case and helping Mitchell with the investigation.

The Wayne Murder Case (partnerský odkaz) is a typical “starý tmavý dom” film, where the setting of the house creates an ominous atmosphere for the characters in the film.

One of the residents of the house is Robert Wayne, played by Dwight Frye. Dwight Frye is famous today for playing Renfield in Dracula (1931) and Fritz, Dr. Frankenstein’s assistant, v Frankenstein (1931).

Born Dwight Illif Fry in Salinas, Kansas on February 22, 1899. By the early 1920s, Frye was finding regular work on Broadway. Frye played significant parts in Brock Pemberton’s productions.

After making a few film appearances in the 1920s, Frye transitioned to film in the 1930s. Playing strictly supporting roles, Frye played a number of odd characters in film from 1930 na 1943. Before his untimely death from a heart attack at 44-years-old on November 7, 1943, Frye played in a respectable 63 filmy.

The Wayne Murder Case runs about an hour-long. Dajte mi vedieť, čo si myslíte o filme.

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