Perceraian Wladek Zbyszko

At the end of 1932, 22-Vila Milli yang berusia satu tahun menggugat suaminya, pegulat profesional Wladek Zbyszko, untuk perceraian dengan tuduhan kekejaman fisik dan perzinahan.

Milli menuduh Zbyszko yang berusia 41 tahun melakukan kekejaman fisik karena “memeluknya terlalu keras.” Hakim Dunne dari Mahkamah Agung Brooklyn mendengarkan kasus perceraian tersebut. Dia menyatakan keraguannya bahwa Zbyszko menganiaya istrinya. However, he did not dismiss the adultery charge so quickly.


Wladek Zbyszko in 1917

Miss Milli, a former Ziegfield Follies Showgirl named Anna Cyganiewiez nee Stark, produced two witnesses. Both witnesses claimed to see Wladek Zbyszko, whose real name was Wladek Cyganiewiez, in a Boston hotel room with another show girl.

Wladek Zbyszko initially denied the charges and threatened to sue Miss Milli’s mother, Blanche Stark, for alienating her daughter from Zbyszko. However, Zbyszko decided against the lawsuit.

Semula, Zbyszko denied all the charges but in April 1933, he withdrew his defense of the suit. Zbyszko’s lawyer told the court Zbyszko did not intend to put forth a defense against Miss Milli’s charges. Zbyszko’s action cleared the way for the court to grant Miss Milli’s request for a divorce.

A wealthy widow, Mrs. Dorothy Lassen, announced her intention to marry Wladek Zbyszko, if the court granted his divorce from Miss Milli. Zbyszko decided to seek happiness with Mrs. Lassen and dropped his defense to the divorce.

Zbyszko married Miss Milli in Union City, New Jersey during July 1928. Mulanya, the couple seemed happy but the stresses of both their careers, which kept them apart for long periods, took its toll on the marriage.


Photo of Vila Milli (Domain Publik)

Justice Dunne granted the divorce. In October 1933, Miss Milli remarried. Despite his engagement, I cannot find evidence of Wladek Zbyszko marrying Mrs. Lassen. When he died in Missouri in 1968, Zbyszko was married to Maria Bromowska.

The constant travel of professional wrestling and the temptations of life on the road take a heavy toll on wrestlersmarriages. Whether wrestlers wrestled in 1880 atau 1980, life on the road put pressure on wrestling marriages. Marriages did survive these challenges but the story of Wladek’s marriage to Miss Mill is more common than not.

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Sources: The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), April 24, 1933, p. 4 dan The Wichita Eagle (Wichita, Kansas), Oktober 4, 1933, p. 3

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