Wladek Zbyszko Beats Strangler for Title

En marzo 22, 1919, E “Estrangulador” Lewis coñeceu Wladek Zbyszko á vaga Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight. Nunha vitoria sorpresa, Zbyszko derrotou Lewis para reivindicar o título. Desafortunadamente para Wladek Zbyszko, el só unha cunca de café co cinto. Un ou dous meses despois, Zbyszko perdeu o título para Joe Stetcher.

This match was most likely a “work” meaning the outcome was prearranged. Starting with the New York Wrestling Tournament in 1915, legitimate matches or “shoots” became mostly a thing of the past. A loita tradicional competitiva aburriba ao público, que comezou a quedar lonxe dos partidos. O 1915 tournament moved the sport towards spectacle in an attempt to draw back the fans.


Wladek Zbyszko in 1917

E “Estrangulador” Lewis most likely let Zbyszko win the match. Lou Thesz, Verne Gagne and Gene LeBell all said that Lewis could not be beaten unless he allowed it to further a story line. Lewis formou parte da promoción “Goldust Trio” con Xosé “Toots” Mondt and Billy Sandow.

Lewis soltaba o cinto ocasionalmente para crear anticipación para as revanchas e facer que Lewis pareza vencedor. Nunca se preocuparon por deixar caer o cinto porque o trío sabía que Lewis podería recuperalo sempre que lle apeteza..

En 1920, Joe Stecher non quería perder o cinto, so Lewis simply defeated him for real and took the title. Lewis entón deixoulle caer o cinto a unha próxima estrela de loita libre, ou no caso de Stanislaus Zbyszko, un león vello pero capaz. O irmán maior de Wladek era o mellor loitador dos irmáns Zbyszko.

Lewis wrestled in over 6,000 matches losing only 20 ou así coinciden, que perdeu adrede. Os historiadores do ring e a maioría dos loitadores profesionais consideran que é o maior loitador real da historia da loita libre profesional aínda que un puñado dirá que Frank Gotch foi mellor..

Wladek Zbyszko was not as famous as his older brother Stanislaus, que era doce anos maior que Wladek. Wladek Zbyszko was born Wladyslaw Cyganiewicz on November 20, 1891 in Poland.

Wladek Zbyszko followed his older brother to America where he claimed a version of the World Title in 1917. Wladek disputaría brevemente o World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship dúas veces máis 1918 e 1919. While Wladek was a world champion in his own right, he never attained the stardom of older brother Stanislaus.

While Wladek was twelve years younger, he only outlived his brother by one year. Wladek Zbyszko died on June 10, 1968 en 76 anos de idade.

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