William Muldoon ja tema tervis Farm

Louis ja tõeline kuritegu

William Muldoon, endine New Yorgi detektiiv, võitis World kreeka-rooma maadluses MM võideti Thiebaud Bauer. Muldoon valitses kümme aastat enne pensionile jäämist on meister. Pärast pensionile, hakkas ta tegema elavad isiklik treener. Muldoon koolitatud palju maadlejate kuid tegelikult tuli esile pärast saada kahetsusväärselt välja kuju John L. Sullivan fit for

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What Is The Best Self-Defense Technique?


One of the biggest arguments in martial arts is still whether grappling or striking techniques are best for self-defense. Unsurprisingly, grappling arts advocate grappling techniques, while striking teachers hold up striking as the best method to defend yourself. The argument ignores the best self-defense technique in martial arts. Do not put yourself in situations, where the need for self-defense techniques

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Herman Johannpeter (1878 – 1921)

johannpeter perekonda

When I started researching the family history, I only knew about two of my great-grandmother Caroline “Lee” Ellis’ nee Johannpeter’s siblings. My grandfather told me a lot about his Uncle “Naast”, Julius Johannpeter. Grandpa lived with Uncle Jules from the time he left Missouri Military Academy in 1932 until he married my grandmother, Alvina Ellis nee Mosblech in 1938. Vanaisake

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