The Myth of Multiple Attacker Defenses


Да ли сте видели неког од само-одбрану против више нападача? Двоје људи држе на свакој руци и протежу се ван савршено, па бранилац може да подстакне оба колена и извући. Осим ако се протеже од некога да избегну исечен са самурајским мачем, који је изашао у 1867, you won’t be attacked that way. Нажалост, few

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Self-Defense Instruction


The problem with too much martial arts’ self-defense instruction is that they are low percentage defenses against unrealistic attacks taught by some instructors, who have limited knowledge of street attacks. Неки системи су створени за улицу или војну обуку и да су бољи од других. <Спан ббок_к = "289" ббок_и = "553" ббок_в = "56" ббок_х = "20" фсизе = "14" фвеигхт = "3" црвено = "255" зелено = "255" плави = "255" алфа = ", the insularity of too many martial arts keep some instructors from exploring defenses for different

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Green Rank – The Last Beginning Step


After you earn your Green Rank, you will have completed your first year of training. Congratulations. On average, 75 percent of students who started with you have already quit training. Lucky for you, they will be much better targets for criminals. A humorous anecdote is told about two campers worried about a bear attack. One of the campers tells his

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Can TKD Learn from MMA?


Despite its worldwide popularity and it’s rank as the most popular martial art in the United States, (ТКД) is beginning to lose some of it’s luster due to its perceived lack of success in Mixed Martial Arts. (ВМА) is the biggest thing to hit the martial arts world since Jigaro Kano decided to go to a colored and black belt system to denote rank within his school,

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Пут до жути појас


Када сам први пут почео да борилачке вештине с Шотокан карате класе у нашој локалној колеџ, инструктор уручио чланак за свако да прочита. Чланак покрива студију са статистикама. Студија је показала да је од сваког 10,000 борилачке вештине ученика само 100 ће ићи на зараде црне појасеве. Most beginning students quit after six months

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What Is The Best Self-Defense Technique?


One of the biggest arguments in martial arts is still whether grappling or striking techniques are best for self-defense. Unsurprisingly, grappling arts advocate grappling techniques, while striking teachers hold up striking as the best method to defend yourself. The argument ignores the best self-defense technique in martial arts. Do not put yourself in situations, where the need for self-defense techniques

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Changes and School Goals


I was recently made aware of changes that the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) is making to the interpretation of forms. What else is new? Olympic Sparring rules or equipment changes almost yearly. With the popularity of the Hanmadang forms competition, it appears forms will start changing yearly now. With these changes, I have to decide whether I am going to

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Нико Пораз Фатхер Тиме


Андерсон Силва, широко признат као највећи Микед Мартиал уметника свих времена, изгубио реванш са Крисом Виедман за УФЦ Миддлевеигхт Титле децембра 28, 2013. Виедман је поразио Силва за титулу јула 6, 2013. То је био први Силва губитак у седам година са Ултимате Фигхтинг Цхампионсхип. He was the middleweight champion for over 6

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GSP and Being the Best in the World


Georges St-Pierre has been the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s (УФЦ) Шампион од 2007 и се бори за титулу, јер 2005. Док је он само 32 година, гринд да буде светски шампион га је изазвао да напусте појас и корак даље од спорта за сада. Some pundits have speculated that he is

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