Hack and What It Takes To Be Great

乔治Hackenschmidt (1877-1968) 是一个世界纪录保持举重运动员和世界重量级摔跤冠军摔跤被预先安排和挺杆采用了类固醇的前. Hackenschmidt由于多种因素来实现伟大的水平.

他达到了强身健体的高水平. 他的身体条件让他成为他那个时代最成功的摔跤手. A few wrestlers may have been better technicians but Hackenschmidt was the strongest. He often overpowered his opponents and was very difficult to throw. He is only known to have lost to 弗兰克Gotch as a professional.


George Hackenschmidt from the Public Domain

He was adaptable. George never locked himself into one way of thinking where he never changed. Hackenschmidt originally wrestled Greco-Roman style. Despite winning the world championship with this style, he switched to catch as catch can wrestling around 1904. He defended his title in this style until he lost to Frank Gotch in 1908.

He had perseverance. Hackenschmidt was undefeated world champion for seven years from 1901 至 1908. Most people can only stay on top of the world for a couple years. To be undefeated for seven years in almost 3000 matches is an incredible record. He had to bring his “一” game each night.

Besides his wrestling exploits, George Hackenschmidt was also considered the strongest man in the world at the turn of the century. He held records in the Bench Press, Hack Squat, <跨度bbox_x“812”bbox_y =“1370”bbox_w“19”bbox_h =“20”的fsize =“14”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“. He actually invented the Hack Squat, which is named in his honor.

George Hackenschmidt met Frank Gotch on April 3, 1908 in Chicago, IL. Gotch finally ended Hackenschmidt’s undefeated streak. 在九月 4, 1911, Gotch and Hackenschmidt had their rematch with the same result. Hackenschmidt, who was suffering from “housemaid’s knee”, decided to retire.

He stayed active in fitness training though. He wrote How to Live in Strength and Health (友情链接) and continued training people. In his 80s, he was said to jump a chair 50 时, bench press 150 pounds and run seven miles. “劈” 在去世 1968 在 90 岁.

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