插曲 43 – 混合赛


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/n9e7e9/Episode_4382qwo.mp3Podcast: 在新视窗播放 | DownloadUpdate I have finished writing Origins of a Legend: The Making of Ed “<跨度bbox_x =“949”bbox_y“1780”bbox_w =“52”bbox_h =“19”的fsize =“13”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“” 刘易斯. After editing, it should be released in late January/early February 2024. We briefly discuss Vince Russo’s ideas for a women’s wrestling organization. We try to figure out the market for this material. We also suggest a therapist is probably

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周二, 六月 3, 1924, up-and-coming wrestler Jim Browning challenged Taro Miyake in a mixed styles match in Nashville, Tennessee. Browning, a wrestler from Verona, Missouri recently left the Missouri-Kansas area to wrestle in Tennessee and Kentucky. The 21-year-old Browning was developing a reputation for solid wrestling. Browning impressed promoters so much in the 1920s that the promoters put the

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Demonstrating Ju-Jitsu


Yukio Tani arrived in England at the turn of the 20th Century. Tani spread ju-jitsu by taking part in challenge matches against professional wrestlers. As part of these challenge matches, Tani demonstrated ju-jitsu. Through the success of these challenges and demonstrations, Tani saw many students sign up to train with him. One of Tani’s best English students used the stage

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约翰·莱姆获得第二次机会. 约翰·莱姆获得第二次机会


十月 20, 1920, Ad Santel, 著名的“妓女”或熟练的摔跤手, 遇见了三宅太郎, 柔道和柔术黑带, 在混合摔跤中. 柔术比赛. 经过约 20 秒, 桑特尔在三宅获得了半个尼尔森, 将他从垫子上抱起来,将三宅重重摔倒在地. 冲击使三宅失去知觉. 三宅秒秒助他回过神来

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