
During March 1910, 美国司法部长康瑟尔布拉夫斯, 爱荷华州指控约翰·C. 马布雷 (他的真实姓名的一个版本, 马布里) 以及十几名被告利用邮件在职业拳击比赛中实施赌博欺诈, 职业摔跤, 以及专业赛马. 马布里, 居住在堪萨斯城的牲畜经销商, 密苏里州, 雇用拳击界的内部人士, 摔角, 和马
» 阅读更多格斗运动史学家和武术家
Posts about police history with special emphasis on St. Louis police history.
During March 1910, 美国司法部长康瑟尔布拉夫斯, 爱荷华州指控约翰·C. 马布雷 (他的真实姓名的一个版本, 马布里) 以及十几名被告利用邮件在职业拳击比赛中实施赌博欺诈, 职业摔跤, 以及专业赛马. 马布里, 居住在堪萨斯城的牲畜经销商, 密苏里州, 雇用拳击界的内部人士, 摔角, 和马
» 阅读更多八月的清晨 5, 1933, 四名保险箱窃贼打破了马什菲尔德马什菲尔德酿酒公司的窗户, Wisconsin. 窃贼敲掉了保险箱上的一个旋钮并拿走了 $1,550.00 在联邦邮票上. 在 2024 美元, 窃贼偷走了 $37,000.00. 同一个窃贼成功抢劫了另一名 $1,000 沃索啤酒公司的联邦邮票
» 阅读更多In early March 1873, bare knuckle prizefighter Ned “The Irish Giant” O’Baldwin was preparing for a potential match with Jem Mace, who claimed the World Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship. 然而, before O’Baldwin could face Mace, he served as a second for a friend and fellow prizefighter named Hicken. 19 世纪的职业格斗在国外声名狼藉
» 阅读更多上周六, 四月 9, 2022, 富兰克林县密苏里历史学会邀请我做一个关于联合密苏里银行抢劫案的 PowerPoint 演示文稿 1902. 这本书涵盖了抢劫, 调查, 两次全国范围内的逃犯追捕和一次大胆的脱离圣战. Louis City Jail. 两个大胆的强盗, not yet 23 岁, 脱掉了
» 阅读更多汤姆·艾伦出生在伯明翰, England on April 23, 1840 但他成为著名的美国重量级裸关节的职业拳击手. 定居在圣. Louis around 1867, 艾伦荣获美国重量级冠军 1873 并拥有标题直到 1876. 他回到圣前返回英国一年. 路易良好 1878. 背部
» 阅读更多周二, 七月 4, 1916, former St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond passed away after an illness of two years. Desmond was in Alexian Brothers Hospital from October 1915 until his death on Independence Day 1916. The 59-year-old Desmond left a 12-year-old son, William Desmond, JR. Chief Desmond’s wife died several years before him. For 17 years from 1890
» 阅读更多圣. 圣路易斯警官科尼利厄斯·奥基夫在他的职业生涯中表现出了无数的勇敢行为. 五月 26, 1901, 奥基夫从兴奋的马匹中救出一名同事并开火,再次证明了他的坚韧和敏捷的思维. 圣. Louis Police Officer Joseph A. Gerk patrolled his beat on Eighteenth Street during the morning of May 26, 1901, 当他
» 阅读更多十二月 15, 1903, three men entered the Erie House at Fourth Street and Clark Avenue. The men beat up cook Victor Dauson before shooting hotel clerk Charles Harding. Dauson died from his injuries but Charles Harding recovered. The men took $300 from the safe and fled the hotel. The men entered the hotel at 2:00 比前收市价. and surprised Harding,
» 阅读更多八月 11, 1896, a train arrived in St. 路易, Missouri around 7:30 比前收市价. Three figures exited the train. Two healthy looking police officers were escorting John D. “插口” 乳木果, who killed St. Louis Police Officer Patrick Doran on November 7, 1881. The gaunt and sickly Shea was no longer the young thug, who executed Doran during a chase after
» 阅读更多On a chilly night, 一月 9, 1915, 军士. Michael Gibbons stepped off the westbound Delmar owl streetcar about 3:00 比前收市价. 军士. Gibbons walked towards the Wabash Railroad’s Delmar Station, which was in complete darkness. Gibbons kneeled and wrapped his nightstick on the platform to signal any nearby beat officers to report to him. Patrolman Arthur J. Saxy heard the night
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