罗伯特·克里德杀死杜鹃’ 领导


在读《圣帮》之前. 路易: 尊敬的人,丹尼尔·沃(Daniel Waugh), 我知道并写过罗伯特·克里德(Robert Creed)和他的兄弟托马斯(Thomas)谋杀圣. 路易警官乔治·盖斯勒在万圣节那天 1920. 我不知道罗伯特·克里德(Robert Creed)是布谷鸟帮的成员, 1920年代的超暴力犯罪组织. 罗伯特·克里德(Robert Creed)是

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Chief Desmond Discovers Murder

首席威廉 - 德斯蒙德

二月 10, 1897, 60-year-old William H. Stewart, a civil engineer, died in St. Louis City Hospital. Stewart passed away from a morphine overdose. 圣. Louis Police originally thought it was a case of suicide or accidental overdose. Stewart lived with his son-in-law F.C. Bennett at 2634 Dickson Street. 先生. Bennett categorically denied Mr. Stewart used drugs of any kind.

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Chief Desmond Gets a Confession

首席威廉 - 德斯蒙德

圣. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond was known for his ability to gain confessions from criminals. Unlike other detectives, who would sometimes use physical intimidation, Desmond eschewed the “third degree”. Chief Desmond believed information obtained by beating suspects was completely unreliable. Desmond would start a discussion with the suspect. After putting him or her at ease, Desmond would let

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Lord Barrington Is Beaten Up

F-西摩 - 巴灵顿

Thief. Liar. Bigamist. Con Man. Murderer. All accurate labels for one of the greatest charlatans to operate in St. 路易. “Lord F. Seymour Barrington” was a bit of a local celebrity, if an extremely disreputable one, during 1903. After conducting a bigamist marriage on the East Coast, “Lord Barrington” stole his wife’s trousseau and headed to St. 路易. When Barrington

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