简介联盟, 密苏里州银行劫案

圣诞之夜 1902, 两个小城镇, 小时间, holdup men blew open the safe of the Union, 密苏里州银行. 威胁几个公民后, 他们掠走了 $15,000.

在平克顿侦探社被叫来之前,这些人相对安全了几个月. 平克顿有一个全国性的代理机构, which was the closest thing the United States had to a national police force. Pinkerton private detectives investigated major crimes in every large American city.



分配到银行抢劫的平克顿侦探成功, where the local authorities had failed. He identified the robbers. Leading a raiding party to their rural Missouri property, the agent and local sheriff’s deputies were ambushed. 在枪战, 劫匪杀害平克顿侦探.

这起谋杀启动机器, which was the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Over two cross-country pursuits, 监狱逃跑, 两个试验和计划执行, 平克顿顽强机构追求正义其代理.

这本书详细介绍了抢劫和善后, while trying to answer the following questions. Was justice served in this case? 两种严重犯罪被杀保护社区? 或者两个男人, 勉强够老投票, 杀害从在美国历史上最强大的侦探机构中的一个满足复仇的欲望? 这里是联盟的行动包装的故事, Missouri Bank Robbery.

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