Muldoon Survives Hard Tilt With Whistler

The powerful William Muldoon was considered invincible as Greco-Roman World Wrestling Champion. 彼の支配的な統治の間にたった一人の男がマルドゥーンに真剣に挑戦した. 165ポンドのクラレンスホイッスラーは一貫してマルドゥーンに彼の最も困難な挑戦を与えました. Muldoon and Whistler met on Thursday, 11月 1, 1883 in San Francisco, いくつかの試合の1つでカリフォルニア.

William Muldoon was almost a head taller and weighed between 190 と 225 ポンド. Despite this great size disparity, 小さいながらも強力なウィスラーは、スピードと彼自身のかなりの強さの両方を使用して、マルドゥーンを混乱させました. The men met for $2,000 イベントのサイドとゲートレシート全体.

The journalist in the November 2, 1883 edition of the Sacrament Bee took Muldoon to task for “spending as much time posing lately as training.” コメントは、マルドゥーンがレスリングのトレーニングとツアーやステージパフォーマンスを通じて体力のシステムを広めることの間で時間を分割したことへの言及でした.


Clarence Whistler Wrestling William Muldoon from the Public Domain

男性はリングに入った, 握手して角を曲がった. When the men came to the center for a tie-up, Whistler immediately secured a back hold and brought Muldoon down on all fours. Whistler was not able to turn Muldoon but brought him back to the ground two more times after Muldoon stood up.

Muldoon finally broke loose from the back hold. マルドゥーンはウィスラーを頭上に持ち上げたが、ネックホールドフリップで逆転した。, ウィスラーの最初の秋をほぼ獲得しました.

ザ· Sacramento Bee 記者はウィスラーが実際に転倒したと主張したが、審判が転倒を見る前に、マルドゥーンはウィスラーを連れてプラットフォームから転がり落ちた. The men continued wrestling on the floor before the referee was able to separate the men.

Muldoon’s seconds claimed a foul against Whistler for grabbing Muldoon’s leg, これはグレコローマンルールの明らかな違反でした. 腰より下のホールドは禁止されています. The referee did not allow the foul as the action occurred out of the ring.

数分の混乱の後, ウィスラーがマルドゥーンを持ち上げようとして後ろに倒れるまで、男たちはレスリングに戻った。. Muldoon pinned Whistler’s shoulders for the first fall after 48 minutes of action. Both men took a ten minute rest before resuming the match.

Whistler was more aggressive to begin the second fall. Whistler scored three near falls in the first 15 minutes but the referee did not call any of the near falls for Whistler. Clarence Whistler would not be denied however. After continuous wrestling of about 42 分, Whistler slammed Muldoon onto his back to end the second fall and tie the score.

The capacity crowd that attended the fight went wild as the previously impervious Muldoon lost a fall to Whistler. Whether the crowd reaction irritated him or his frustration with Whistler boiled over, ウィリアム・マルドゥーンはこの試合を残忍な方法で終わらせるでしょう.


Clarence Whistler from the Public Domain

After several minutes of fierce wrestling, Muldoon lifted Whistler over his head and threw him towards the floor head first. ウィスラーは頭が床にぶつからないようにしたが、左肩に着地した. Whistler attempted to re-engage but signaled to the referee that he was injured. A doctor looked at Whistler’s shoulder and diagnosed a broken shoulder-blade. The referee declared the match a draw due to Whistler’s inability to continue the match.


ウィリアム·マルドゥーン: The Solid Man Conquers Wrestling and Physical Culture in paperback

Muldoon protested that he should be declared the winner but gave Whistler half of the $2,000, when public opinion turned against him. Despite his strong showing, Whistler was not able to wrest the title from Muldoon in the future. 彼はマルドゥーンの最もタフな挑戦者であり続けました. 彼らはのために取り組んだ 7 1試合で落ちない時間.

William Muldoon would reign as champion for 6 more years before retiring to become America’s first celebrity trainer. He lived into his 80s and trained many statesmen, 彼のニューヨーク州の健康農場オリンピアの運動選手と有名人. Until the day he died, he would single out Clarence Whistler as his toughest challenger.

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